Author Topic: Back Up Systems and bodge and bolt  (Read 116 times)


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Back Up Systems and bodge and bolt
« on: October 21, 1999, 03:28:00 PM »
Hay All!
I was just wondering if we could really push this realism thing to the edge? On WW2 aircraft there where many things that could go wrong.
For example: Electrical, Damaged (not destroyed) control surfaces, Cockpit damage, Instrument damage, Engine fires, Extinguisher systems, Individual fires in areas of the aircraft. (In bombers) Exploding tires.
Things like this?
Would it also be possible to find a way to fix these problems?
IE: Fire in engine = Extinguisher = Feather Prop
Fire in tail = Get the hell back there and put it out
Electrical system out = Manual Pump Landing gear and flaps

Image trying to land with 1 tyre?

Two more things
1) When you have 2 people in the plane could it be possible for them to change seats? So if one was doing the gunning and the other was flying then they could change?
2) If you have 2 people on the aircraft then can they both have an equal amount of jobs to do? IE the gunner could help handle aspects of the aircraft and stuff?

1st LT Chris "B-Town" Bradbury
332nd Flying Mongrels
Guard Dog's FL