Originally posted by Golfer
Kindly go to hell sir. I live in Florida, have friends in Ft Myers and Naples and haven't heard from all of them yet. If you think I was being cute, reread the post you'll see im happy I have a home and even said not everyone was going to make it. dick.
Kindly Kiss mine SIR, I was not referring to your post you Palm Beach P@)% I also live in Florida, Sure seems a lot diff. in here then it did when we had a storm hitting Bermuda and one of us was under the gun (should I dig the posts up from Rip then?). No lets worry about the voteing machines and such, Golfer me thinks you protest to much, I was not reffering to you.
Rip, you are in poor taste and I don't give a damn about the dates of the post I was refering to the lack of concern about the event and the differance as to the care shown when Curvel was about to be hit in Bermuda. You can try to spin it any way you like, I am still trying to contact a family member in Pine Island, Punta Gorda, may your family never be in harms way. If they ever are I will pray for them and provide any help I can, I won't make light of the threat.
I am leaving in half an hour to go over and help and to make contact with loved ones, good day.