Author Topic: I wont change countries!  (Read 333 times)

Offline Murdr

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I wont change countries!
« on: August 15, 2004, 02:26:41 PM »
This is one of the more common critisisms Ive seen of the new balancer system.  ie "This is stupid.  I cant fly my ride, and I am not going to switch contries because of my (squad/friends/ Iv always flown here)"

What Id like to point out is, that it isnt to make you specifically change countries.  According the the log percentages that HT posted only 1.7% of players need to move around to balance things out.

I believe the big picture here is that it should not be 6-18 month rotation of one country fielding the most pilots.  If I understand correctly this is intended to spur the non-country dedicated pilots to move the numbers in a more timely manner.  The number tended to remain static due to factors such as the reset, and players who dont have the time or patience to fly aginst the numbers.  Incentives were tried, but they didnt move the numbers.

Another critisim is that if the numbers are 150/150/200 that means my 200 country is fighting aginst 300.  In my experience Ive seen one truce work for a couple hours and there were still a couple squads running ops on the truce front.  From a knights perspective it is very rare to not see 2 very active fronts, and I cannot see the basis for the claim that the high numbered country is actually out numbered.

In the last 24 hours I know that knights have lost the p38 and f6f.  I saw a period where the bishops must have been close to that same level, and just a glance at the boards indicate the rooks have felt the limitations.  Appearently it is doing something, because I am not used to seeing the numbers fluxuate so much, and I have not seen the roster even so many times either.

My point is, before flying off the handle, give this a little bit of time to see the long term effects.  If it works the way it is intended too, there will be less and less ENY disables.  

While the system in place would not have been my first choice, I dont have a problem with it.  When my P38 was disabled, I made a bomber run, captured a field in a c47, captured a field in a LTV, and made some GV runs.  Probably the numbers had evened back out before my 2nd field capture.  Mabey Im strange, but I can enjoy AH even when I cant grab the plane I want.  I cant enjoy AH when I log on night after night to be overrun on both fronts, and have slim to none chance of finding a fight that will not end in being ganged.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2004, 09:04:28 PM by Murdr »


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I wont change countries!
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2004, 04:16:18 PM »
Nicely put. I fly for ROOKs and at first thought this idea was a bad way to fix the problem. After seeing it action, I don't have any problem with it what so ever. Of course I rearly fly the 5-10 ENY planes, so it doesn't effect me to much. And if our numbers get so out of hand it starts diabling the 20-30 ENY planes then I will find another ride to fly. Or might even go help out another country. Still kind of early to determine how well this is working, but the last couple days the numbers have been very close. I have to tip my Hat to HT for at least trying something, right or wrong at least he is trying to make it a more enjoyable game.

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Offline Morpheus

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I wont change countries!
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2004, 04:40:10 PM »
I have to tip my Hat to HT for at least trying something, right or wrong at least he is trying to make it a more enjoyable game.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2004, 04:42:43 PM by Morpheus »
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I wont change countries!
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2004, 04:43:34 PM »
LOL Morph...

  Retired from AH

Offline FiLtH

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I wont change countries!
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2004, 11:00:21 PM »
Although I dispise GV use in here, if my plane is'nt available I get one that is. A planes a plane a plane.  Think of the increased rank we'll get by using lower end planes! :P


Offline Kev367th

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I wont change countries!
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2004, 12:33:08 AM »
Murdr, your right, for a while on Sunday we couldn't up anything lower than ENV 16. In fact for a while the only CV planes we could get were FM2s and B5Ns lol.
Just picked different ride - no biggie.
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Offline KaK3MAW

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Re: I wont change countries!
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2004, 12:59:54 AM »

.  According the the log percentages that HT posted only 1.7% of players need to move around to balance things out.
I'd   love to know who is doing his statisical analysis.  tha is less than 4 players per country on a 200 players country evening which rarely happens. 3.4 players switching sides isnt going to do squat and who really gives a S! 3 countries will alway mean 1 country has most players  unless you are assigned to a country at log on according to numbers. I believe HT would probably try that if he listens to his SPC guy.(statistical process control)
 Let the ganging continue and give each country one unporkable field. 100% of people who play this game play it to simulate fighting, for the ganged countries  the fighting is fast and furious, for the gangers  they have to be quick and steal a lot of kills.
 it is a testament to how unenjoyable the gaming is now by how much time people are spending on the BB then ever before, rather than playing
WTG HT, you'll make us typists  yet!

Offline Murdr

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I wont change countries!
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2004, 01:18:48 AM »
Crud, my apoligies for not catching that.  It was supposed to be 3.4%
Here is the original:
Did a query of the country totals. This is from the entire subscrition base.

Bish = 31.1%
Knights = 32.2%
Rooks = 36.7 %