Author Topic: Lancaster fuel leak issues.....  (Read 232 times)

Offline Overlag

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Lancaster fuel leak issues.....
« on: August 17, 2004, 04:05:30 PM »
right, im not sure if this works on all formations of bombers but it happens to lancasters as ive just had it happen.

One of my drones got 2 fuel leaks (both main tanks typical!) and for some reason this effected EVERY bomber in the formation. Wouldnt it be better if just that one bomber run out of fuel and died? instead of all?

same if fuel gets hit on the lead bomber, both the drones lose fuel too!

is this a bug or the way its been made?
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline Scrap

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Lancaster fuel leak issues.....
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2004, 05:05:46 PM »
I've had this happen to me too.  Lancs deep in bish territory, Spacer gunnin for me and all we got were a couple of minor fuel leaks (I took off with 100%).  We would have made it home safe, but damage applied 1 fuel leak on 2 bomers to all in the formation!  It took 80min on the E6B down to 0 in about a 5-6min span :(