Originally posted by cpxxx It's worse than that anonymous. The Bren LMG is still standard issue in the reserves too. Many is the time I lumped a box of Bren magazines over hill and bog. At least belted rounds can be worn. Glad I wasn't in the mortar section!!! And Gscholz, note that the 'Norwegian' shirt is standard issue. Definitely the height of military fashion. Our reserves could refight WW2: Bren versus MG34.
The .50 is banned here in California. That is incrementalism at work... was a joint effort byu fienstein boxer and the gray davis. If you don't think kerrie can hurt you... look what happened to California under the reingn of the gray one.
Hey Mietla, if you're interested in buying a few old guns get an 03 FFL. You can have em shipped strait to you, no hassling with x-fer to a local dealer. Its only $30 for 3 years. Even if you only buy a couple of guns you saved $.