Author Topic: Osama Bin Laden Innocent??  (Read 2262 times)

Offline Gyro/T69

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Osama Bin Laden Innocent??
« Reply #120 on: October 31, 2004, 01:12:01 PM »
“I was simply stating that the policy that permitted us to invade Iraq would also permit us to invade either of those 2 countries.”

Ahhhh, that was sarcasm. You still haven’t answered the question regarding what you would do differently to get OBL.

“I am not irate that OBl is alive. I am irate that he his alive and well, obviously not worried, he gave a relatively peaceful radio adrress the good people of the US. I just see this as a miserable failure on the Bush team.”

Why your irate is still a mystery to me. You really don’t come across as someone who would “damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead” to get OBL. Would I hear cheers of jubilation if the Bush Team rolled into Pakistan or Iran to reduce your anxieties over OBL appearance?

Why should he look worried? He knows our government, regardless of who is president, is hamstrung if he’s in some other country. The man is trying to come across as a winner and your falling for it, for whatever the reason. He’s looking to buy time to rebuild AQ. If nothing else, Tora Bora proved he’s more than willing to cut and run to save his own butt at the expense of his minions. PR problem, most of his top lieutenants are either dead or in the can. Intelligent people don’t want to die for a loser and they are needed to run a organization like AQ.

Offline TheDudeDVant

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Osama Bin Laden Innocent??
« Reply #121 on: November 01, 2004, 09:49:29 AM »
Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
Was finding, capturing, and killing Hitler the top priority in World War II?

Is this like comparing marbles and basketballs?? lol   You can't, with reason, compare OBL and Hitler. Two different problems all together..


Here's a clue for the clueless: Terrorists are like cockroaches. You can kill their top man, and a dozen others will step up to take his place. Best to pursue every terrorist you can, as relentlessly as possible. If you catch the current top cockroach, marvelous. If not, kill as many as possible and destroy their infrastructure, keep them off balance, and unable to make an effective counter response.

Kill one, make two more..