Author Topic: Any old Air Warriors out there?????  (Read 180561 times)

Offline alskahawk

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Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #765 on: December 16, 2007, 12:04:46 AM »
Actually saw him on AH like last week. What a whiner.
Originally posted by AKDogg
That 1 guy I haven't seen in awhile.  Ruaml.  Where is that putz at?  I loved killing him and watch him whine saying I cheat in me A8.  "A8 can't do that, U cheating", Rofl.  Boy I miss that.W


Offline crazyheeb

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Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #766 on: December 18, 2007, 02:05:30 AM »
haha I used to play AW on AOL. I had went my ATCK! or something like that.
Founded <187th> which spawned a few off shoot sister sqyarons like <187thBmbr> or something sheesh was a long time ago think i was like 16 now im 30 :O

Offline Bruv119

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Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #767 on: December 18, 2007, 02:27:09 AM »
Thats a great write up  mayday I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Just reading it took me back.  The sheer adrenaline and enthusiasm for what we are accustomed to and thankful for.

If only more posts were like yours instead of the *****in and whining we usually see.

All the best

The Few ***

Offline DamnedRen

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Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #768 on: December 18, 2007, 03:23:08 AM »
Originally posted by Magellan
I've heard Fogy was flying here, but don't see him on the roster. May have been a trial and he's moved on.

I believe Col is stil Mac only and so he's stuck flyin WB till he wakes up and buys a PC.

As far as the rest of my squad goes, they've moved on to other things. I'm going to see if I can't cajole a few to start flying again.

[/B]How are you finding the Flight model ? i really like  most every thing i have tried. [/B][/QUOTE]

All in all, ok. A nice balance of realism and adjuncts to assist game play.

awmags [/B][/QUOTE]

Hiya Mags...I had heard Fogy stopped by a few years ago but never really saw him up. I kinda miss fighting him in his spit ane Col in his 38. Columbo  did have a tendency to perch though. :) Whenever he was in the area I'd grab a 109 to chandelle him into a stall. It'd be nice to see those two back up. Have you been flying at all?


Offline Scotch

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Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #769 on: December 18, 2007, 05:39:40 AM »
Haven't seen him in a while.
Send him a mail through the MacAW mail list.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2007, 05:55:42 AM by Scotch »

Offline Elitesrule

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Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #770 on: January 27, 2008, 02:27:39 PM »
Originally posted by ATC
Kevin!!!   It is me ATC.  Hope all is well.  Give me a call 303-423-2466, email

-> ATC
widowmakers AW

wsup Kev (OD & Bob (ATC), its ->AIR / SEXY gimme a call to catch up its 615-429-1970 (It's Scott) to catch up!

that goes for anyone else who wants to catch up. I just found this board.

good to remember the old times. i lost all my old films :(

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Anybody got scores from 98 or 99 RR ?
« Reply #771 on: January 27, 2008, 02:42:19 PM »
I would like to see them if anyone does please.

Offline Pan

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Greetings from Pan
« Reply #772 on: February 11, 2008, 07:57:44 PM »
Hey guys,

This is Pan, aka #4803 from Air Warrior (I also flew as kilbot in Warbirds).  I saw a few old names here compliments of Google and am wondering how Aces is.

Earlier today I was reminiscing with a few co-workers about the good ol' days of vulching, war-pigs, etc. and we're thinking of running out to Frys, buying joysticks, and giving you something easy to shoot down.

Air Warrior:  "Pan" (#4803) [retired]
Warbirds: "kilbot"  [retired]
Aces High: "kilbot" [noob mode]


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Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #773 on: February 11, 2008, 08:43:28 PM »
V ........Nuff said
Death is no easy answer
For those who wish to know
Ask those who have been before you
What fate the future holds
It ain't pretty

Offline Box1

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Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #774 on: February 12, 2008, 07:22:16 AM »
I must have started playin AW in 92-93?  Was "Lostboy" back in the $3.00 an hour GeNie days.  I spent $2,500 my first year.  mind you this was pretty much $2,500 I didn't have.  I still have my original AW box, with software, all updates, and lots of films.  favorite AW moment......was new years eve, cant remember what year.  I was Cz., on big Pac RR.  The Cz had been being kicked around by the other countries for quite a while.....anyway.  Huge numbers of Cz were on during this time....many FR Cz guys came to RR.  our mission, dominate the entire map....and this was a big big map.  maybe 6-8 hours later the Cz ruled the entire map...everything.  it was a titanic effort on the parts of all Cz and their dedication to the mission was awe inspiring.  It was a Cz new year!  

Did I enjoy AW?  I have contemplated an AW logo tattoo and also an AH2 tat.  however up to this point my "beans" have proven to be to small.

Offline Brooke

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Re: Greetings from Pan
« Reply #775 on: March 18, 2008, 02:47:25 PM »
Hey guys,

This is Pan, aka #4803 from Air Warrior (I also flew as kilbot in Warbirds).  I saw a few old names here compliments of Google and am wondering how Aces is.

Earlier today I was reminiscing with a few co-workers about the good ol' days of vulching, war-pigs, etc. and we're thinking of running out to Frys, buying joysticks, and giving you something easy to shoot down.


Howdy, Pan.  I flew in the GEnie days as 5965 (handle "Brooke").  Aces High is a blast.  There are a lot of old AW pilots here.  You should definitely get back into on-line flying -- very fun.  It's like Air Warrior, but the flight model, graphics, etc. is better.  The community is larger and thus less focused and intense than the AW crowd, but it's nice having a lot more players.  The hardest thing to pick back up after a long absence is gunnery/aim -- it takes the longest to get back.  You'll pick up maneuvering quickly.

Offline StuB

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #776 on: March 18, 2008, 04:20:20 PM »
The community is a little seems like the AW community was a little more mature, probably because we were paying so much to play.

The flight models and graphics are great and the number of players that each arena can host is much more than AW could handle (Was it "big week" where we were thrilled because we got 50 players in the air in one arena for the first time ever?).

Also, the VoX is pretty handy as is the TrackIr capability.

But the thing that impresses me the most are the scenarios.  They are absolutely awesome. 

Put it all together and it is what I had hoped AW would eventually become. 

It's tough to get your wings back after being away for a while...but if you can participate in a scenario it will blow your mind.
"Facing up to 200 Russians eager to have a nibble at you, or even Spitfires, can be quite enjoyable...but curve in against 70 Boeing Fortresses and all your past sins flash before your eyes."

Major Hans "Fips" Philipp
Geschwaderkommodore, JG 1
206 Victories. KIA 8 October, 1943

Offline HL117

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #777 on: April 11, 2008, 07:20:53 PM »
Radio check .......... test test.........this thing still work........  Think I spotted LPN  .......... ARGGG!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2008, 07:33:14 PM by HL117 »
Whether you think you can or cannot, you are right!

Offline SIK1

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #778 on: April 11, 2008, 11:08:21 PM »
LPN was here in AH1 for a short time after EA killed AW. Last I heard she was working on getting her RN, and taking care of her family,  :) her real life family. People like her are what made the Air Warrior community what it was.

 :salute Kim,  where ever you are :aok
444th Air Mafia since Air Warrior
Proudly flying with VF-17

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG54

Offline ROX

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #779 on: April 12, 2008, 08:35:26 AM »
LPN was here in AH1 for a short time after EA killed AW. Last I heard she was working on getting her RN, and taking care of her family,  :) her real life family. People like her are what made the Air Warrior community what it was.

 :salute Kim,  where ever you are :aok

I remember LPN well.  I wish her & her family well.

There also used to be this married couple, same arena.  They ipitomised the term "alt monkies) they'd get a B17 up 25,000' and cruise back to bomb the sprifire factory.  He would fly and she would gun.  If anyone remembers their CPID's let me know.

I also wondered what happened to Lanny and Rice1?