Took some looking, (consider it SAD when bbs jockeys don't use their AH ID's) to find you, cpid Coolrydr, but from what I can find, you last flew some bomber sorties for 2 hours back in march, and started flying 1 yr ago now ish. flew a limited amount (usually 18-20hrs) per tour for 7months, then quit, and somehow NOW are deciding that it's the ENY limitations causing you not to fly?
Que??? You were not flying anyway, so how is this a loss, to AH or the "community"? Also how are you able to formulate any kind of opinion towards AH2, and the ENY "issue" when you have not even logged into the MA in 6months?? Why should anyone pay attention your point of view, when it's obviously founded upon nothing at all but some "need" to whine.
Now if I have the wrong AH "ID" please let me know, but if not, who really cares.