Seems that a lotta guys wanna participate in the missions objectives; but prefer a diffrent plane or loadout than whats been made available by the mission author. They may already be in the air; or may wish to leave from a diffrent field.. result; they don't participate in the mission at all.
How about having a button on the clipboard that allows everybody in flight to see whats on the planner; and give them a chance to see whats up; what the objectives and routes are and therby make better decisons on weather they wanna join directly or move to support the mission goals? Maybe even set the mission viewer up so they can join the mission with whatever they have; from wherever they are in whatever they are flying.
As it is now; we get poor and very limited response due to the restriction of only being able to view the planner from the tower, and this cuts ALL the airborne guys outta the mission picture. I'm sure the bishes are gettin tired of listenin to me holler about the missions being on the planner.. but to even see whats on the agenda; they gotta land and then burrow thru the maproom to even find the viewer or editor... this makes it hard for the newbies let alone the vets to understand whats happening with country strategy.
As noted before; it'd also sure be a fine thing if the mission author could access the editor in flight to make changes in route and also be able to author and upload annother mission while in flight.
Thanks for you attention!!