I have been Converting My old AH1 Maps and all of My Airfields are there.
The Maprooms turn into small towns on top of the Airfields and need to be deleated.
Then the Maproom and Tower for each Airfield needs to be added.
The Maproom will Default to the Center of the Airfield Runway but you can move it off center away from the Runway and the visible portion of the maproom will stay where you place it.
I usually put them just a little to the right of the runway in the grass.
To add a Tower I pick a spot offcenter of the runway and place a ENTPNT object and call the object type "tower"
These seem to work good.
P.S. For Building New Maps I find it easier to build the terrain in TE1 then convert it into a AH2 Map and make the corrections.
This helps get around the Clipboard map problem.
ie. BLUE bmp.
Good Luck Pbdy