Switching sides and breaking up friendships you have made is a two way street. If you switch sides you can actually make NEW friends and still keep the old ones when you happen to fight them and pass on a wether you win or lose.
I'm a AH2 Trainer and have been guilty many many times of saying 'read the manual'. This might be because I spend a lot of time in the Training arena helping new players. I put my question answering time in the TA and some questions asked in the MA kind of tell a guy should be in the TA for awhile. I can't recall seeing you in the TA but then again us Trainers are not in there 24/7. This doesn't really point to you because you mentioned you had other flight sim experience but anyone new to AH2 could use some TA time. Even only if it's to set things up, get used to the flight model, or get used to our commands and things specific to AH2. This sim does have a steep learning curve and I have 6+ years sim experience, 3+ in a previous one and about 3+ in AH1 +2. I'm still learning and the really good pilots, and even average ones and nOObs also, get kills on me. Just like life it's a process not a destination. At times I do get frustrated and kind of bored with things but AH also has so many things to do a change usually breaks up the monotony.
I for one hate to see anyone leave the best WW2 simulation around, in my opinion at least, you included Buzzz.