Author Topic: Do we need goon driver incentives??  (Read 553 times)


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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #30 on: January 08, 2001, 02:56:00 AM »

perk it high per drunk in the map room ...

personalize capture message ...

and once you're @ it  ;-)

put 24 50mms into the goon

make it 50 knots faster

Offline Mayhem

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #31 on: January 08, 2001, 04:14:00 AM »
My typical Goon mission

Someone: we need a goon to 1

Mayhem: Ok Iam on my way is it preped

Someone: yes it's ready get a goon here

Mayhem: OK Iam on my be there in 5

4 minutes later

Mayhem: Iam one minute out, is it still ready

Someone: ya everything is ready get your goon in

Mayhem: Ok inbound

30 seconds later

Mayhem: What the hell the VH is up theres two spits over the field and the AAA is shooting at me and theres a flack next to the map room.

system: victory 3 by dork of the 1st Flackpanzer AH devision

Host: you have been shot down by dork

Mayhem: what the hell I thought you said the field was preped.

Someone: I thought it was but Iam in a 20k buff

This is a typical AH goon mission for since 105. I havne't sucessfully gooned a single base not one single capture after god knows how many tries. you add this into initial bugs and my kill ratio has gone to crap think iam 1 for 1 now.
Mayhem 33rd S.G.
"Destination anywhere, so far gone, I'm already there!"

[This message has been edited by Mayhem (edited 01-08-2001).]
"Destination anywhere! So Far Gone, I'm almost There."
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Offline aztec

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #32 on: January 08, 2001, 09:32:00 AM »
I gotta agree with Sunchaser here. I enjoy flying the goon and most always will answer the call. To be successful it takes teamwork.
I don't care about incentives or extra points...all I want is solid capping, cover my bellybutton and frequent reliable communications, all of which can be rare.

Offline Critter

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #33 on: January 08, 2001, 11:02:00 AM »
I don't thinik there is anything more fun than cruisin around in a goon with a 2 fighter escort and siccin them on inbound baddies... just watchin em go off to the races makes it a blast for me.Gooning is probably my favorite mission in AH. Maybe havin one small MG would be nice but I know we can't alter history. Also... I landed nearby a base that was soon to be ready for capture and I watched a buddy of mine get shot down. He hit the silk and landed right next to me. Damn I wish I coulda picked him up and taken him home. Same thing happened to me when I bailed over water near some pt boats. Has anyone addressed the idea of multi-crewed planes, tanks and boats? I think it's be nice to fill the seats in a bomber with real players. Maybe even have a copilot who can manage engines or just plain help with flyin the thing. Just an idea and all. I know AH still has a lot of room to evolve but I'm just sendin out some of these ideas. such as giving the guy who bails a 9mm maybe a rifle. He couldn't do much with it but it could be fun. could also lead to folks actually being the drunks that drop from the goon. We implement this.. WWIIOL will be obsolete. Oh... hehehe of course.. I wonder if anyone has proposed subs yet? :-)

Offline 2Late4U

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #34 on: January 08, 2001, 11:09:00 AM »
I too feel that the goon driver needs some serious incentive.  30-50 Perk points would not be excessive IMHO.  After all, it takes only a few hours of fighter flying to get that many if your decent, and gooning a field is at lease 1/100 as common as shooting down a plane...SO MAKE THE POINTS REFLECT IT!


Offline AKDejaVu

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #35 on: January 08, 2001, 11:14:00 AM »
The main problem with gooning these days is the failure to realize the need in time.  "The base is down.. we need a goon" are some of the most dreaded words any experienced goon driver will see.  Sure duty call.. but rest assured that the VH will be back up by the time you get there.. and all the fighters will have left becuase there aren't any bandits there anymore.

My only goon mission came as a result of guessing what was going on.  I saw we had a CV about 45 minutes north of an enemy field steaming towards it.  I knew that once it got close the usual cv/base engagement would begin.  I decided to take up a B-17 and bomb the VH and fuel/ammo bunkers at the base BEFORE the CV arrived.  I got on target about the same time the CV was getting close.  I took out the VH and various bunkers then RTB'd, got a Goon and headed back.  I was 2 mins out when "base is down, we need a goon" was sounded.

Base capture was easy.


Offline popeye

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #36 on: January 08, 2001, 11:49:00 AM »
10 points for the 10 points for each enemy plane or vehicle in the sector.

Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline Thrawn

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #37 on: January 08, 2001, 04:27:00 PM »
Some more points would be nice.  But, I'd prefer a solid cap and an escort.  

Offline BackDraft

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #38 on: January 10, 2001, 01:36:00 PM »
Completing a capture at a base with a gooney, when enemy is near or hangars are about to regen is second only to a 10 minute sortie with another pilot and I come away with the scalp.  Points added would be nice, no record damage (ie kill/die) would be good, definitely announcement on text buffer would be be cool. Thanks to all those who prep fields and cap...without that, the C47 is just a big hot air balloon waiting to be deflated.

Offline Jimdandy

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #39 on: January 10, 2001, 02:40:00 PM »
Here's some perk transports.
[This message has been edited by Jimdandy (edited 01-10-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Jimdandy (edited 01-10-2001).]

Offline Paxil

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #40 on: January 10, 2001, 03:44:00 PM »
The reality is with this map you need to bring goons along with your missions instead of calling for them when the base is down because in many cases the distances are too great for a goon to get there quickly. I think the distances also make gooning even more boring that it was on the smaller maps.

I gave up gooning because of the following.... someone would call for a goon. I'd respond with a 'goon otw a9->a11' or whatever... spend 15 minutes flying there with updates on where I was... only to find another gooner who didn't mention he was otw... takes the field first. Horray for the home team and all but... it gets old real fast.

Offline Midnight

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #41 on: January 10, 2001, 06:52:00 PM »
THis is a little long, but please read...

I think Hangtime and a couple others have it right on the first point. A goon should be next to invisible to high fighters when on the deck.

The AH view of long range cons makes the whole idea of camoflauge useless. If there is a green plane flying over a jungle at treetop level, and you are at 15-20k altitiude, it would not be a big black dot. It would be a little green speck that you would have to struggle to see, not just make a passing glance and see everything.

Stealing the thread a little... Someone had posted and I seconded that dots at long range should show up in the main color of the plane instead of always black. Also, the further it is, the more it should just blend into the haze, instead of just appearing all the sudden. It would make seeing long range cons much more realistic.

Back to the incentives.

For 1, the goon pilot should get automatic 6 calls in the text buffer, as should every buff and plane with rearward facing guns that would normally be manned. One of the most frustraing things in goon or buff flying is being shot up while looking at the map or while trying to fly NOE. I think in a C-47 filled with troopers, everyone would be looking out the windows for threats.

I like the idea of more points also, I have 5 captures this camp and only 1.25 per capture is a little on the cheap side.

"Wing up, Get kills, Be happy"

13th TAS