Originally posted by bozon
ok, lets do think about this logically.
max turn rate is capped at 6G. If you can pull this without flaps, they will not help you with turn rate. Even with flaps out, most planes are able to pull into the blackout at lower speeds than the jug can.
Hense, turn rate is not really better. Turn radius is.
Like I said, 6g is relative to your speed. 6g at a slower speed is a faster turn then 6 g at a higher speed.
if you are talking about vertical reversal (immelman), low enough speeds for flaps to add lift are reached. In this case flaps will help you.
BUT, those are speeds in the order of ~250mph or less where all US planes can pop out flaps. The Jug's and P51's advantage is that they can save the actual time it takes the flaps to deploy. it helps a little but that is it.
I ran a few tests and found that the jug seems to immel about 2 seconds faster from 400mph with a notch of flaps. 20 seconds to immel with em, 22 without.
If not really fast, the Jug's E damping will hurt it's turn rate in exchange to smaller turn radius. It will quickly fall below it's (high) corner speed and cannot maintain max G, while spits or P38 for example will still be comming around at 6G, flaps or no flaps.
So, flaps out will first increase turn rate and then turn you into a flying brick, stall buzzer horning.
A big part of learning to be successful turnfighting in american planes is to know when it works to your advantage to be low E. For the first part of the fight you want to be turning fast, but if you do things right you want to have a lower radius pretty quickly thereafter. The la7 has a significant energy advantage over the jug, but it's not really much of a threat on account of it's over abundance of speed. A jug pilot will usually start to fight nose down with flaps out here anyway, so the lower E state isn't too much of a problem.
The reason you think you turn faster than the spit is that if the spit tries lead turning you (as they usually do), the fast slowing down and his E retantion will place you deep inside his circle. that's geometry, not a faster turn.
The top side shot you mentioned, actually means the spit turned about 180 degrees while you turned about 90 degrees after the HO merge.
No, that wouldn't be an immel on my part then. If I do an immel I turn 180. The jug can beat the spit around on account of its lower E state. A spitV can dump E fast enough to get in if he planes his merge correctly, but a spit9 will not complete his immel as fast as the jug. Thus I am wings level and pointing at him while he is still inverted pulling back to level. The shot you get here is an approximate 175 degree aot shot, just shy of a HO. If he 'lead turns' me on a merge like this after we both dive I'm going to saddle up on him in the verticle. He really can't pull up until our planes have nearly passed. A little bit of lead turn (right as the planes pass) is more or less expected of us both.