The only reference I can find to a Radeon 7000 is the Radeon 7000 VE. The VE ........ and this is the term they actually used in the benchmark test..... "used a castrated 3d engine to save money". Looks like a small business (read the word "cheap" here) multi-monitor card, not a gamer. Also states it does not support hardware T&L. If this is your card, it wont work. If they made another Radeon 7000 besides the VE, its at best a GeForce2 contemporary. Also has 64 bit memory vs even the GF2's 128 bit setup. Maybe that will work, maybe it wont. Is it even compatible with DX9?
Now that the new series cards are out, the 9000 series ATI cards are pretty cheap. Even if by some miracle that old 7000 IS compatible and you make it work, your frame rates and video quality will be low. Probably should consider upgrading, if only for the fact that soon nothing will support your card anyway.
Welcome to the club!