Originally posted by Martlet
northern, too.
--Fixing the mess in Iraq. I've posted in the past that he's failing to get the job done, though I admit they probably didn't forecast thousands of insurgents from Iran, Syria, Jordon flooding the country.
--Tax reform. Simplify the tax code.
--come up with a plan to lower the deficit.
--Tort reform. Make it so that if a party sues, and loses, they pay all court costs. This will eliminate alot of these rediculous lawsuits. Also add a cap to how much you can sue a doctor. This will lower the cost of malpractice insurance.
--smaller Gov't. Turn more fiscal responsibility over to the state level.
--Send yet more money into R&D of alternate fuel sources like hydrogen and give the automakers some tax incentives to push forwardwith ideas, solutions.
--Expand the drilling of our OWN oil in our OWN country.
--Give states the ability to expand their now-antique refinery's.