Author Topic: Radar Detector  (Read 1208 times)

Offline john9001

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Radar Detector
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2004, 02:14:32 AM »
i only break the speed limit when on the interstate, and then i use a CB, the truckers will tell you where smokey is.

Offline FUNKED1

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« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2004, 04:38:17 AM »
Originally posted by Gixer
Radar/laser detectors are old technology and a waste of money and time.


Not where I live.  Well-tuned V1 is pretty much a cop detector.  The only way they can get you is with a static laser trap or an instant-on trap on an empty road.  Both of which are vanishingly rare out here.

Offline Habu

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« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2004, 09:32:27 AM »
I think the days of radar detectors is over as now with laser they wait till they see you and then bang  you are nailed.

A few years back I used to do quite a bit of cross country driving in the US and at a truck stop I bought a scanner for laughs. I would listen to the CB channels on it.

It had a feature that a light would go on and it would make a noise if an emergency vehicle was near. So I was flying down the interstate late at night and it goes off. I slowed down and just over the next hill was a big radar trap. It had detected the signal from the police cars. Thas is a really cool feature that works. It also saved me from a head on moving radar once as well.

I noticed my radar detector would go off all the time on that trip. I think it was Washington state that basically made it go off all along the highway. I think they had dummy radar set up over the whole highway system.


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« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2004, 09:39:24 AM »
Anyone ever consider obeying the speed limits with 10mph?  In Florida if you are within 10mph you won't get written up.  Driving conditions in most of the eastern to mid states don't allow 100mph driving conditions any longer.  I can safely drive most of the roads in Fl. at 80mph that's plenty fast for me. :D

Offline GreenCloud

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« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2004, 01:01:52 PM »
I hav ebeen using a radar detcector for  5months now..\
\I will never drive with out one again..

i use the Escort was $280 on ebay

i hav ebeen very impressed by it picking up nme radar before visual line of sight..It has saved me many times..


I hav eseen it not pick up radar till im 200 yds from a cop coming around a blind the detecr goes off the wall with signal strength..but its too late for me too slow down..
I have seen this 2-3 tiems so far..VERY DIPPRESSING!!

Coming back from South Lake tahoe last week..came around a blind coner..CHP sitting there as soon as I see him my radar detectr goes full  dar bar for KA band....IM screwed..I just got a 90+ speed in a 65mph zone...i was going to throw it out the window..

BUt..i have seen it work since then..I dont know yet why it worked liek tht..
It may be they were using the "flash radar"...wich swiched on and off not sure..

but the new escort 850..i think it scalle ME..has a new detctecr for the "flash radar"

I got hit with a lazer a few weeks ago..never seen tht warning..but I saw the cop before he put the lazer on me..

soem of these guys in here dotn knwo what there saying...

Lazer Detecion is very rare ly used..too expensive ..

My radar detcrr has defnlty worked many many times..bUT u cant rely on it $100% ...which i would love to have..

Depending on how much you want to can get the radar stuff installed into yout grill and bumper..most ferraris ...Porshes..Hi end cars ,,you never see the radar cause its built into cruise control..

and yes from what i read and experienced..

escort 8500 or the valentine..if you dotn spend over $270..your buying crap..

i hav ethe hard line power insatlled so i dotn have soem crappy wire hanging down to my cigerrret ligther

and its easily removeabel as I have a convertable so it wotn be easy pikens


Offline Chairboy

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« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2004, 01:14:04 PM »
A word of caution: Don't rely on the detector.  

1. Be observant.  Constantly watch your surroundings.  Most people who get tickets just didn't SEE the police officer in traffic because they thought their detector was a shield wall.

2. Trust your instinct.  If your spidey-senses say 'danger', then slow down for a little while.  Even if you're wrong 9 times out of 10, that one time where it's right can save you hundreds of $$.

3. Don't be a jerk.  If you switch lanes without signalling and act stupid, then it doesn't take a cop to give you a bad day.  No detector yet made can protect you from an irate citizen calling the police from their cell phone and reporting the ******* that just cut across three lanes to set up for a curve in the highway.

4. Be safe.  As the person exceeding the set legal parameters of the road, you have a responsibility to control the safety of the situation.  Just because you can fit your car between those two cars with an inch to spare and make it doesn't mean that you should do it, especially not if it makes someone else jam on the brakes or otherwise risk losing control of their vehicle.  You should be like a ninja.  Nobody else on the road should even realize you were there because everything you do has no impact on them.

Just some things I've picked up over time.  No speeding tickets in 10 years, and that last one was the only one so far and I got it because I violated rule #1.
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Offline Pooh21

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« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2004, 01:38:53 PM »
When I turned 18and got my car in 96 had 2 tickets in 3 months, 2 from Park rangers, one from driving into town through Saguaro National Park West at a fun clip other was a 5mph BS in Chirichua Park. Got Radar Detector, never got a speeding ticket again.
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Offline SunTracker

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« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2004, 02:57:47 PM »
A cop ambushed me and my detector never went off.  Must have been using a laser.  They dont give you tickets in Kentucky unless you are going 15mph over.  I was doing 17mph over.

Situational awareness is very important.  Several times I had the feeling of "I'm being watched".  Most of the time its a cop driving up behind me.  Traffic seems to behave differently when the police are around.

Now this is just an observation, but when I had my cb and ham radio antenna on top of my truck, I never got a ticket during the day.  Coincidence?  Not sure.

Offline eagl

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« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2004, 03:46:39 PM »
I read a really in-depth magazine review of about 10 detectors in real-world situations, mountains, flats, turns, city, etc. and the valentine detectors beat every other detector hands down.  They cost a lot more but at least in the tests they were significantly better.

The review was a couple of years ago but unless the company turned to crap in the meantime, I doubt they got any worse.
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Offline Gixer

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« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2004, 07:15:55 PM »
Cops are using more advanced radars,lasers and speed cameras. The day's of a old Ka band radar on a cops dash are few and numbered.

Radar detectors are old technology. Laser detector is useless and laser jammers are illegal in most countries. I'm not sure on their use here in NZ. But I think cops can just point at another part of the car to get a signal back. Cant see how a little jammer on the grill will prevent a return from another part of the car especially at shorter ranges.

Plus there is no defence at all against the unmarked cars just following in traffic.

Detectors,Jammers etc are just gimmics to spend money on.


Offline GreenCloud

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« Reply #25 on: September 21, 2004, 07:26:51 PM »
well gixer..i guess we arent as rich as your countyr..cause the KA and even K bands are still in heavy use and will continue to be..The Cops have larger portions of there budgets to spend on rather then spending money on.."eveyone gets Lazers"!!!

A quality Detector DEFNTLY works..i use them..seen it in action...

yes not %100...BET way bettr then nothing...

I speed on a daily basis...90+ mph in 5th gear is 3,00orpm..perfect for crusin..and great gas milage

Offline Gixer

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« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2004, 07:29:32 PM »
Originally posted by GreenCloud
well gixer..i guess we arent as rich as your countyr..cause the KA and even K bands are still in heavy use and will continue to be..The Cops have larger portions of there budgets to spend on rather then spending money on.."eveyone gets Lazers"!!!

A quality Detector DEFNTLY works..i use them..seen it in action...

yes not %100...BET way bettr then nothing...

I speed on a daily basis...90+ mph in 5th gear is 3,00orpm..perfect for crusin..and great gas milage

Do they have speed cameras fixed and/or mobile in the US? or in some states? As they are everywhere here in NZ,Aust and UK.


Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2004, 07:29:59 PM »
Valentine one is the best. Pay the extra $$.

FWIW, I don't own a radar detector.  I speed when conditions are right. I've had two speeding tickets in 28 years.  Just let someone else lead and don't tail gate them. ;)
« Last Edit: September 21, 2004, 07:35:47 PM by Ripsnort »

Offline ra

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« Reply #28 on: September 21, 2004, 07:32:14 PM »
Do they have speed cameras fixed and/or mobile in the US? or in some states? As they are everywhere here in NZ,Aust and UK.

I've only heard of red-light cameras here.  They do have fixed speed detectors along the side of the road which display your speed just to let you know you're being watched.

Offline Raptor

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« Reply #29 on: September 21, 2004, 08:11:00 PM »
cops have a tendancy to go for the red sports car before something like an SUV if both are speeding down the road. Unless of course they are lazy then they go for whichever they reach first (dont be up front or in the back... try and be in the middle)

I assume something going for $140 with built in jammer isnt going to do that great a job at detecting or jamming?