Author Topic: 418 Sqn RCAF  (Read 621 times)

Offline Kev367th

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418 Sqn RCAF
« on: September 30, 2004, 09:58:57 AM »
May eventually get around to submitting Mossies sometime, after the "just one more thing to do" eternal circle.

"Hairless Joe"

Edit - to hell with it went ahead and submitted this one (think noseart will interfere with squad art tho :( ).
Also sent 1st and 3rd ones from my previous post.
Not sure if they would accept the 2nd (the OCU RAAF) one.

Edit - Edit (lol) - Sent the RAAF one also, or I might not get any more pics or profiles from Dan (Guppy35).
« Last Edit: September 30, 2004, 02:31:41 PM by Kev367th »
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T
Asus M3N-HT mobo
2 x 2Gb Corsair 1066 DDR2 memory