Author Topic: Help.....I can't see!!!!  (Read 101 times)


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Help.....I can't see!!!!
« on: October 16, 2000, 09:58:00 AM »
On Saturday I flew in this Med Scenario thingie in a P-38 Squadron.

Now try to understand that I first began flying online multi-player WWII combat sims back in late 1989....for 99.9% of the years to follow I have flown the P-51D. Need I continue?

Conclusion: A bubble canopy is a good thing!

In addition, I have the uptmost respect for anyone who can kill and land to talk about it in this bird(Citabria)as I had a hard time just keeping any degree of SA at all.

Still, I had fun and would recommend to all...Give the scenarios' a's been a few years since I have flown in one and I can assure's not the MA


Offline Ripsnort

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Help.....I can't see!!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2000, 10:14:00 AM »
Had a blast in Zigs Afrika, though only 5 of 8 showed up for our P47D flight...RA,Frenchy, MRPLUTO,AMMO and myself.  Flew 2 hours, with one re-fuel, no losses to us, killed 3 enemy and 2 unconfirmed kills (Smoking A/C diving for the deck, out of the battle)

<S>, had a ball!

"There are alot of pilots that fly one aircraft type really good, but there are only a handful of pilots that fly all A/C types really good..."

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 10-16-2000).]