Author Topic: <S> bishies and adieu  (Read 913 times)

Offline august

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<S> bishies and adieu
« on: October 04, 2004, 02:30:57 AM »
guys, its time for me to re-inject myself back into the real world.  

i just wanted to tell you all what a great time i have had flying with all of you.  it was an honor and a privelege.

a special shout to SEpilot, wherever he is flying...he recruited me into the SE's shortly before his passing.  i will remember him always.  ill always be SEaugust because of him.

to my squadies, the screaming eagles !  you will all be missed.  bobo, keep em goin about thier buisness brother.

to all of you smartalecs who whittled the long flights away with me, make sure you have a spill cap on your jd or youll spill it when you auger   (clink)!  

fishy, misfire, matrix, bammer, kcboom, dadrabbit to name just a few...all of you teachers.  i bow to your skill, your patience and your greatness.

to the rooks and the nits.  peace. !  

and finally, to hitech...never forget, "one thing, done right."  no slack is acceptable when you are taking other peoples cash.
make it all its supposed to be bro.  good luck.  !


the red pill.


Offline Heretic

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<S> bishies and adieu
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2004, 02:46:24 AM »

Take it easy bro.   Was fun times flying with you.    I'm gonna let the squad know that you are taking some time off and hopefully you will come back to the squad.      

Take care,

Offline SEXObobo

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<S> bishies and adieu
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2004, 03:40:30 AM »
august my DUDE your leaving us hope u come back soon
love what u said to HTC balls of steel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline BlueJ1

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<S> bishies and adieu
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2004, 02:17:00 PM »
Herr August......Have a nice time in the real world.  It smells funny.

Mooooo! <>
Aviation Electrician MH-60S
OEF 08-09'

Offline Paul33

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<S> bishies and adieu
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2004, 02:19:09 PM »
Real world?

Whats it like? Let me know!:aok

Offline august

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the real world
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2004, 12:27:39 AM »
whats it like out here?

well, it definately does smell funny...i am hoping to adjust to it soon.  a friend tells me that its something called grass.  ITS GREEN!  neat.  i always thought that it was brown.

having been off the HT pipe for approx. 48 hours, my balance is still a bit off (am i uncalibrated?  where is my clipboard!?) and i find this 3 dimensional thing a bit unnerving...i have augered (ahem...bumped) into any number of things; 3 dimensional trees with round bases, buildings of varying architecture, pretty girls; which is good as they are squishy, but with whom i am unable to communicate with as they use a strange unnabrieviated language and they dont seem to react well when i say "nice six baby"

i am having to learn to avoid saying "roger" whenever somebody tells me something, and i no longer say RTB when i leave a room for a soda or to pee off the wing.

its hard, but i am thinking it will be worth it in the long run.

of course, physically there are symptoms, uncontrollable tremors, sweats, cravings and emotional outbursts where i find myself ranting on and on about ENY handicapping and spawn vulchers; but i am fortunate to have a few others with me who have made there way out this way before me.  

(note: they have hidden my joysticks and have found my backup as well.  (BASTARDS!!! ...ahem... sorry, weak moment)

they have been kind enough to tie me down to heavy objects when i become overwhelmed by the unbridled desire to kill with extreme predjudice, flame someone to the point of insult, issuing a challenge to a duel or have a nervous breakdown when something as small as the gentle courtesy of the average passerby who has chosen not to shoot at me, call me a moron or criticize my choice of automobile leaves me understandably disoriented.

i am told that i will never completely be healed, that i will always have some remaining symptoms, (usually around airports and indestructable buildings) but that these will fade to managable levels over time.

i certainly hope so.

on the up side there is this thing called night out here where the stars and the moon actually come out. i even have heard talk of something out here called seasons....they tell me that it actually snows in the real world!  no way! (ill believe it when i see it)

oh, and there are clouds out here too my brothers.  big poofy ones (though sadly, i am told that you cannot actually touch them.)  i am told that they wont affect my frame rate.

all in all, its been a difficult transition, going from an instant sim/gaming junkie to recapturing the life of a flesh and blood denizen on planet earth, repleat withactivity...but one that is well worth the journey i think, even with the strange smells and the confusing conversations with people who are not labeled in red or green and show no national affiliation by which to gauge thier value.


if i could come back and know that i could easilly leave after an hour, i would...but i am not a social gamer.  i am a game-a-holic.
i cant shoot down just one.

(holding up keys)

anywho, i wish you all the best, especially my homies and i hope that ill get a chance to see you out here someday: in person. shaven and wearing something other than your underpants.

ill even tie you down to something if you need it.

you will all be missed.  sincerly, all jokes aside.

(er.  handshake)

(SEaugust, screaming eagles fighter squad.  ret.)

p.s. - tweeeeeeeet!!!!

Offline Arlo

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<S> bishies and adieu
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2004, 01:28:28 AM »
August registered in September and burned out in October. Perhaps you didn't get a stong enough dose yet. Don't go to the light. Come back.

Offline Hammy

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<S> bishies and adieu
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2004, 06:23:29 AM »
Good luck buddy and all the best in your new "life" :D

Offline august

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a good day in the real world
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2004, 09:11:25 PM »

HAMMY!  you old so and so. : )  
good to hear from you friend.  thank you too!

ohhhh but the light is so warmmmmm...and freeeeeee.....


(formerly, SEaugust, screaming eagles, ret.)

Offline Paul33

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<S> bishies and adieu
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2004, 09:49:13 PM »
Whaow! Whats all that blue stuff??!!

Offline august

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« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2004, 10:26:07 PM »
i think that they call it sky.  it has clouds (of varying composition, oft clear, oft moody, repleat with sunsets...birds and kites and sometimes it rains (then we curse it with our fists until we realize that we can alternatively go inside and get naked.)  you can actually feel it when the temperature changes.

i remain unconvinced about this snow thing though.  

its amazing, i had begun to think that the weather was the same everyday and that there was only one patch of clouds that hung over a place called furball island...interestingly, i called the airlines and they told me that according to thier records, there is no such thing as furball island.  appearantly it isnt real.  

bummer.  i would have like to have seen it in the real world.  the only real life comparison that i have found is rush hour traffic.  it feels much the same way.  i try to avoid it when possible as it appears to be a pointless, un-winnable excercize.

i have also re-discovered reading.  currently digesting 'animal farm', a book that i have always wanted to read but was never on any of my required reading lists, a biographical book on benjamin frankin and another by noam chomsky.  i plan to visit more contemporary fiction writers next.  

wrote a hand written letter.  

oh...and foooooooood.  good food.  no more quick gruel in my cockpit microwave.

i will be sure to send more postcards from the real world as i find them.

grok on brothers!


Offline Redd

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<S> bishies and adieu
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2004, 11:30:04 PM »
Originally posted by Arlo
August registered in September and burned out in October. Perhaps you didn't get a stong enough dose yet. Don't go to the light. Come back.

lol   the burnout is coming on quick these days  , HT better ramp up that ad campaign.
I come from a land downunder