I guess I should chime in here.
First, thanks for the kind words, but I really am not that great in the Hellcat. I just fly it a lot. I can rattle off a ton of names of guys who can beat me in the Hellcat (Deja, Booky, Zig, Fester, Chead... the list is very long).
I personally feel that the Hellcat is one of the best planes in the game. It can carry a good load, has decent range and performance. I prefer it to the D Hog (which is a great plane too) for almost every mission. This is probably just personal preference.
It really is a slow Jug that can turn, but I don't know that I really fly it like that. While some may call it a jack of all trades, master of none, it really excels at combat air patrol situations. It is a great fleet defender and field CAP plane.
Speed is almost more important in this plane than alt. I would rather go into a fight at 10k going 300mph+ than be at 15k moving at 200mph. Also, though it is slow, it has a fantastic dive. It handles well, though I rarely am able to exceed 450 (and if I do, not by much). What really makes the dive great is that it holds onto the speed it built up in the dive fairly well.
There are two things that really make it a killer, IMO. One, it is a very stable gun platform. Two, the guns themselves. You really can't beat 6 50's for fights (though 4 Hispanoes are pretty damn good too).
One of the best attributes is its durability. I almost don't care if I get hit once or twice. The plane can usually take it (particularly if it is hit with MG rounds - cannons are a different story)
All that being said, the best advice I can give is to practice in it. Not necessarily the high-speed characteristics. You need to get used to how it handles around 200-250. Get a feel for when it is going to depart and spin. Learn how to get out of a spin fast. When you do that, you can almost get to the point where you can use the spin to your advantage. Makes it easy to force the overshoot (provided you don't get hit while you are flip-flopping about the sky).
Of course, all the above may be null and void with the introduction of 1.08 soon. They are fixing the flight model, particularly the stall modelling.
Also, if I am online and you need help/pointers/whatever, feel free to ask. I am more than willing to help the disciples out.

- I feel like I should mention the N1K2 and how to deal with it in the Hellcat. Don't, unless you have to or feel that you can get away clean if you miss your shot. Once you get practiced and some success in the F6F, take one or two on. I have found that many George pilots believe the hype about it and feel like they are invincible in it. They often get too aggressive. They overshoot, they don't seem to turn as well at high speed. Just be smart about you approach to the Niki and you should be able to beat it, or at least force him to run, which, is, IMO, as good as a kill.
[ 09-28-2001: Message edited by: Mathman ]