Author Topic: Mother of All Net LAg  (Read 383 times)

Offline bustr

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Mother of All Net LAg
« on: October 14, 2004, 05:05:13 PM »
VWE's thread on bogus damage model got me to ruminating................... .....................:cool:

Way back when I was first working in computers and being paid to play games on them, my roomate and I both worked for MediaVison sound card company. We each had a phone line in the house, different ISP and our computers were setup side by side to better double gang poor ususpecting AW'ers.

His CPID was Slider...DAMND Slider.

Anyway I think it was AW2 on the RR small Europe map that I had to go over to A land from C land for a day due to poor shooting skills in furballs. I shot slider down twice in 1 hour because our phone connections were being flakey. He kept warping in and out while I was covering his tail. He would dissapere, I'd start shooting the con, he'd reapper just in time to blow up.

Over at A land I consoled I'd meet him over Baron, that feild to the north next to a big pond. We met and started doing the nasty roundy roundy like spit dweebs are prone to. We locked ourselves into the spit dervish of death dance. I was slowly gaining on his 6. We were sitting almost shoulder to soulder at our PC's. So we shared some rude comments.

I yell at him---I'm just about on your arse gonna blow your tard away.

From slider---No No Im on your arse dip stick and I am blowen your arse away right now, look in your mirror.

My response at that point was pulling my trigger and getting hits on his spits 6.

Well suffice we both looked at each others monitor to see someones spit in the turn of death catchin lead in the kester. So I pull up and off to watch his spit doin a flat turn near the ground. Round and round it went. I dive back in take a snap shot, pull up real lazy like, turn around real slow and level. I look back over in his monitor and he's still locked in the death dance with me.

He looks in my monitor and sees himself in my rear view doin the dance. Then suddely I dissapere from his monitor and my spit in my monitor blows up........go figure....NET LAG is the mother of frustration.:aok :aok
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline KootDawg

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« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2004, 07:50:51 PM »
damn lag....

I got Cable Modem with 3.5megs download and 256K up and still I get lag????

Now Whats up with that?????

:confused: :cool: :(

Offline Phaser11

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« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2004, 11:08:10 AM »
 Labmorital Axis GUI displacement.
 This is caused by a displacement in a time set where a user is trying to access to much data across a short time continuum (less the 100 years). This will cause a TS (Time Stutter) that is represented by a stuttering effect on a view screen.
 Once a displacement occurs in a local area, the more interventions by other travelers the greater the displacement. The displacement or (LAG) can also be effected by a large amount of a known element, Atomic number 82 / symbol Pb (Lead) in the distortion area. This element has the most drastic effect on the time displacement, sometimes even resulting in the loss of aircraft.
 Fix 1.  All remaining aircraft (Axis and Allied) must fly in formation without attacking each other. This can be a standard formation, but no number 82 may be expelled into the atmosphere.
 Fix 2. All ammunition must be replaced with a Depleted Uranium alloy.
 Fix 3.  Everyone shoot MVJester!

Phaser11, CO 2112, Teacher, Scholar, and one damn fine looking man.

"Long time we no get drunk together nathen"
"Silence! I kill you"


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« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2004, 11:23:30 AM »
Try to explain it how ever you want... for the simpletons Lag=suckage

Offline bcee

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« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2004, 02:07:07 PM »
Your hypotheses is correct is a proven fact(#3) that when MVJester is eliminated from the battle that all lag ends ,the heavens open up and the birdies start whistling Dixie........

Offline KootDawg

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« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2004, 05:54:35 AM »
I agree with bcee on this one..