Author Topic: NB / Citibria  (Read 1135 times)

Offline Easyscor

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NB / Citibria
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2004, 01:28:31 PM »
Originally posted by Dux
Really, Easyscor? Importing works fine for me. :confused:
I just double checked.  Import works but for only elevation data; which is ok if you've already filled the map with land tiles.  Not so good if you have lots of water and haven't filled the map with land.

For that reason, I like AKWabbits utility better.  I still have to repair the coastal plains, but it jump starts the process.
Easy in-game again.
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Offline Easyscor

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« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2004, 01:30:27 PM »
Originally posted by zmeg
Copy youe cache folder from AH2 and past it in the editor folder then you can resize the editor all you want without it going black.
Tried as you suggested but it didn't work for me.  All the Water and Grassy Rock stayed black.
Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001

Offline JB73

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« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2004, 03:31:50 PM »
Originally posted by Dux
The image on the right "looks" more 3-D, doesn't it. It has been given artificial shading to make it look more understandable to the human eye. but it is incorrect for the purposes of importing. Any file you want to import into the TE should look like the left image.

I e-mailed you a file for you to play with.
TY for email .. <> where did you get left pics?!?!?

the ones on the right all i can find
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline NUTTZ

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« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2004, 04:42:18 PM »
You have to change the one on the right in a graphics program.
There are many tools to use... "smooth" "soften" "blur" or "less contrast" Or Many others, or "soften" the edges on your brush and/or set some transparency to your brush and use white.


Originally posted by JB73
TY for email .. <> where did you get left pics?!?!?

the ones on the right all i can find

Offline Dux

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« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2004, 05:00:54 PM »
Roger that, Easyscor... Wabbit's utilty is the best simple way to go here. I use a really convoluted and complicated process of connecting the TYP portion of a terrain to the ELV portion... it wouldn't even be worth explaining unless you were a hardcore PhotoShop user. But if you don't have to worry about getting coastlines just right (like I do) Wabbit's utility is a blessing. (the problem here is that much land is at level 0... Wabbit's utility automatically makes anything at 0 into a water tile, and many times you just don't want that)

JB73... the left image is from USGS DTED data, and exported as a TIF. I made the right example just by using the Emboss filter in PhotoShop.

Nuttz, that can smooth out the hard-edged contrast in a file, but it doesn't change the fact that darker pixels have been introduced to the data. Darker pixels = lower elevation, so every shadow has become a hole. Blur it and you get a blurry, smooth hole. It's far better to just make sure your data is clean to begin with.

And if you are painting from scratch like JB73 is, that should be easy. :)
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Offline NUTTZ

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« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2004, 07:39:57 PM »
Dux, I was giving him some easy quick ways to get rid of the hard edges, there are many ways that "I" also didn't want to explain.

I use Corel, so I was trying to use universal terms.

IF "I" use a file that has shading, I use the brush tool as I mentioned above, In white with 100% gradatation fade on the edges and use 87% transparency to rid the "shadows"

From His drawing It definately looks like it was drawn in an art program.

Yes, sometimes the relief map looks GREAT but in reality it makes a poor map, or should i say poor mountain ranges.


Offline NoBaddy

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« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2004, 10:40:38 PM »

Looks like you are gettin' some excellent advice here so far. :)

I made a few different mountains (sizes, shapes, etc.) and used them as a library to create mountain ranges. When drawing them, remember, the color numbers represent the grade. Use colors very close together and you get a gradual grade, far apart gives you a very steep one.

BTW, I used Paint Shop Pro to do Trinity.
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline JB73

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« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2004, 12:52:32 AM »
TY NB sir .. is it possible for you to email some of those so i can see them?
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline Dux

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« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2004, 08:07:51 AM »
Gotcha, Nuttz... sorry. :)
Rogue Squadron, CO
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Offline NoBaddy

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« Reply #24 on: October 13, 2004, 06:05:25 PM »
Originally posted by JB73
TY NB sir .. is it possible for you to email some of those so i can see them?

I can probably help out. Drop me an note.
NoBaddy (NB)

Flying since before there was virtual durt!!
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