I've posted this before. It all boils down to education and respect.
I fired my first gun at around age 5, with much help, of course. I could fire a gun any time I wanted to for as long as I can remember.
I took my first hunter safety class before age 10.
I took my second hunter safety class before age 10.
I was never allowed to own BB or Pellet guns, because my father thought they taught bad habits.
I received my first shotgun on my 10th birthday, which is when you can hunt legally in Maine. I'd been hunting with my father, without a gun, for as long as I can remember. By the time I received my own gun I was a good shot, could press my own shells, and knew how to respect a gun. It was a familiar object in my house.
Kids that are familiar with guns, know how to handle them, and respect them don't have gun problems.
Kids who have to search their parents sock drawer for the hidden gun because they aren't allowed to see it are dangerous. They have the natural curiosity for the "forbidden", and aren't educated on how to handle it when they find it.
Guns don't kill people, morons do. Do your kids a favor and familiarize them with guns, because you can bet they'll run across them at some point.