I've seen a truck! or Close encounter of the crash kind:
I was checking the new AH 108 version of the Mindanao map offline and wanted to see the Depots and Convoys. After finding out that there is NOT VH hangars or Spawn points near the depots, I decided to make a ride to the next one on a "fast" M3. After a couple of minutes down the road enjoying the landscape view, I was going up hill and just before the top, zap!

I see this ugly truck in front of me going in opposite direction; my hard fast turning was too late to prevent the crash...
... Later at the Mindanao Central Hospital I was wandering:
Why they dont use the claxon before going top hill on a one way road?
Is the M3 not enough armored

...That's the way I found my first truck

[ 10-06-2001: Message edited by: Gral Anibal ]