Well the issue of ack is moot as Pryo said
a while back that they have a whole suite of new ack being developed. We just have to deal with it as it is now till they release or implement new ack.
As for tips? I am not very good at dive bombing. I need practice as I find myself dropping badly due to over correctiong to keep the ball centered

I've found a 1000 pound bomb WILL totally take out an ack emplacemtn if your in about a 45 degree angle of attack and you aim beyond the ack so that the bomb. See the article whose link I posted to see why. Gravity pulls that egg down. If you put your pipper on the ack and drop the bomb will fall short of your target.
It also helps for friendly aircraft to buzz the ack with hi speed jinking as it will only be able to concentrate on one plane at a time.
After ack is out then use rockets to take out the standing structures. Get close. Real close and they become more effective in thier use.
And the most helpful tool you could use is the ZOOM feature. Zoom in more on the target so you can get a better picture of where your aim is at.
For straffing put your pipper
just above the targer so the shells impact in it.
For bombs put your cross hairs at least what would be 50 to 100 feet beyond the target.
For rockets I've found that you want the pipper ON the target.