after the Florida crap last time around there has been a lot of talk about replacing the crappy punch card system in some states with the newer video-poker style touch screens.
it's a lot like the election itself. a choose between these 2 situation, with while one may be better than the other, neither option is good.
it's like being able to vote on the choice of me hitting you with a board or a bat.
do you want a system where the results of what are valid votes and what aren't are speculative in some grey areas (are they a vote only when punched clean or also if it's torn but not removed, what if you can see the dent where the paper bent but didn't tear?)? or do you want a system that could be corrupted and leave no hard copy to check for tampering?
so my question is why are these the only choices given?
here's a copy of part of an Oregon ballot-
to me it seems much better than either system for accountability and interpretation. since you don't have to lay out the candidates to fit the slots in a punch card, its layout can be clearer.
so what other types of voting are out there? surely these aren't the only 3 choices.