Author Topic: 2.01 Released  (Read 2959 times)

Offline Pyro

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2.01 Released
« on: November 01, 2004, 09:35:03 AM »
2.01 is available for download via the autoupdater or on our downloads page.  The update from 2.00 patch 10 or patch 11 is about 35 MB.

Version 2.01 Changes

Added software vertex shading for video cards that do not support hardware transformation and lighting.  There is an option in the video setup labled Hardware Vertex Shading.  If your card does not support hardware T&L, this checkbox will be unchecked and grayed out.  If your card does support it, you will normally want to leave this enabled.

Changed the level bombsight calibration mode.  It is no longer necessary to set your target altitude via the clipboard or to mark a target to perform the speed calibration.  Calibration instructions are provided from the bombadier position.  Steady speed and altitude are still necessary to perform an accurate calibration and longer calibration times result in better overall accuracy.

Added the B-24J, Ki-84, and T-34.

Added new water effects.  There is a checkbox to enable this feature in your graphic detail settings.  If your video card does not support this option, the checkbox will be disabled.  This effect will appear differently depending on which effects your video card supports.

Added armor to certain terrain objects such as the gun turrets on the ships.  

CM's now have a tool to configure arena settings offline and upload them to the host.  

Killshooter is no longer triggered from bombs or rockets.

Fixed multiple memory leaks.

The joystick mapper no longer keeps changes when the cancel is selected.

Texture caching now saves individual texture size settings.  This means that a cache only has to be generated the first time you select a new texture size and not everytime you change the setting.

Tank tracks are now animated.

Gunsight convergence has been changed so that your bullets will strike high when the range is less than the convergence setting.

Minimizing the game now functions correctly.

Convergence button in the hangar is no longer available to planes/vehicles that can't set convergence.

Props now sort with smoke correctly.

Fixed a problem in the tank armor model that caused damage to be tabulated incorrectly.

Changed tanks so that hits to already damaged areas such as the engine or turret will continue to apply damage to the overall vehicle state.

Airframe overstress/structural limits now work again.

Fixed a bug in the engine select system that allowed you to select an engine that didn't exist on that plane.

All planes now have display bullet holes and have oil/pilot hit effects enabled.

Fixed a lot of individual artwork bugs on various planes, too numerous to list them all.

Corrected a couple of problems with the armor penetration of the 23mm in the Il2 and the 40mm of the Hurricane IID.

Some single engined fighters had been tagged as having feathering props and this was changed.

Manned anti-aircraft positions now come back up after a field has been captured.

Replaced two tank reload sounds.

Improved the vehicle control system so they do a better job of holding speed and course without stick input.

Custom skins were not being down sampled to the max texture size setting.

Fixed a bug that was causing the Preload Textures into Video Memory not to function correctly.