Uhm. Err. <Embarrased look>
I do.
Example; great fight over A7 yesterday was taken further north, and lots of Bad Guys(tm) got to take off and grab some alt. I was sort of winging with hristos at the time and after an initial swoop down for a kill and some dodging, we ended up on the deck. The bad guys where just outta visual range, so I took my 190 east to extend and grab alt. Hristos did the same I bbelieve. Then "hi Spit!" calls sarted floodin in and I turned back, only to hear Hristos call "CLR! RUN!". Had a little alt adv, so I said "vv" and naturally did not comply, wanting to check him out. t that poibnt he had four enemies on his six. I dive down on them and they fear Me, so all break away as I close, which was my objective. Now *I* have four enemies on me, and Hristos spots one or two Spits high in front of us that are blocking the way.
Will I run for home? YES! Will I run for home vs a bandit with alt advantage, or a co alt Spit if he starts getting an altitude advantage on me? AYE.
In some planes, you really have a hard time turning a bad situation around. I feel relatively safe in my 109G10 in a one vs one, but it ain't a MA aircraft to the same degree as the 190. The latter, otoh, is not good in 1v1's.
I try to live. But looked at my sorties record, and I have only managed to land 44 out of 81 missions (11 discoes, 10 bails, 3 ditches, one captured, 12 death, ripped wings on ahlf of them

I think it is possible to have a "fight to live" attitude and *still* be highly aggressive. It seems I go between overly cautious (I call this the Deer Mode) and overly aggressive (Wolf Mode).
I just love this game; there are so many different styles and that ensures variation. Will this Spit run or duke it out? If I dive, will he kamikaze in after me knowing my buddies will kill him, even if he gets me?
heheh, I need to play less AH and study more

. Off to do some work, laters
