As for Glacier Girl, I think it is a nice restoration, and is historic at that. The one thing that does agitate me though is when people say it is "the best restoration ever"
That is just plain not true. It is a nicely restored historic aircraft, but frankly, it is historic for one thing, and one thing only. It suffered an operational loss, it is not even a combat vet. It was a brand new airplane that got lost in a storm, and ended up getting stricken. Don't get me wrong, I am not cutting on Cardin or the restoration, I just do not feel it is "the best restoration ever" or that it is the most authentic P-38 in the world.
Either way, it is nice to see the aircraft fly, and, as Schoffner funded it, he should get to do whatever he wants with it, including flying the Bolero Mission if it's what he wants.