Author Topic: Lebanon:My First SP2 AAR (Long Read)  (Read 257 times)

Offline Nefarious

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Lebanon:My First SP2 AAR (Long Read)
« on: November 01, 2004, 11:08:39 AM »
Janurary 2001,

With the newly elected President Hyman, Change begins to takeover in the Small Middle Eastern Country. 70% of Lebabon is Muslim while the remaining 30% is Christian, The first thing to do was change some of the existing laws. The Right to protest pubicly, Abortion, and Same Sex Marriages were all legalized.

Taxes were lowered by 4% and Interest rates were also dropped to 1.5% from 2%. Immediatley the Per Capita Income started to improve as did the Presidents approval rating. The Right wing ideology of the country started to even out, and government stability started to improve slowly, Although Corruption was still rampant.

Most Government Funded Programs were cut drastically, except for Education and Health Care. This allowed for the governments economy rating to jump an astonishing 15%, things are looking bright as the defecit is finally starting to be paid off. With some Economic Aid, Lebanon looks like it might be able to pay off the deficit within 8 to 10 years.

Big Changes also came to the Nations Military, Weapons bought on the Open Market, allowed Lebanon to nearly quadruple the size of its Air Force. And its first Navy Vessels, Two Daphne Class Attack Submarines were purchased from Spain.

Internationally, Syria attacked Israel, and a Conflict that lasted nearly 9 Months finally ended, with a Shaky Cease Fire. India, decided it could push Pakistan around, and it nearly did until a 65 Country Coalition supported by NATO, held back the Indian Offensive. North Korea decided it would act alone against India, and now the North Koreans are still fighting in Northern India. The United States worked out a Cease Fire, and Annexed the Kashmir Region from India, to prevent further fighting.

With the conflict between Israel and Syria on pause for now, the Lebanese Military prepared for its first Military Action under new Leadership.

On November 13, 2003 Lebanese Forces Stormed Ashore the small island of Cyprus, Fighting lasted only two Months, The Lebanese Air Force suffered the heaviest Casualties mostly from  Cyprus Air Defenses, and after the capital was siezed The fighting ended.

The Lebanese Army, Fortified in Cyprus, was waiting a couple months before annexing the Island, Unfortunatley, Cyprus allowed Turkey to occupy the Northern Tip of the Island during the fighting. A year later, the Annexation treaty for Cyprus was about to be passed, The Treaty was brought forward by the Lebanese Government, but was not recognized by the UN.

Again, We came forward to pass the Treaty, The President Notcied, after the second attempt relations with NATO plummeted.
Lebanon would stop the annexation, but leave its troops in Cyprus, Then in December right before the Lebanese Election ,US, UK, French, and Italian Forces, Supported Turkish Forces to regain the Island of Cyprus, The Battle to regain Cyprus ended within One Week. Lebanese Forces retreated back to Lebanon, Days after thier return Turkish Forces landed in Tripoli and Beirut.

Within Days the Presidents Aprroval Rating had sank from 65% to nearly 12%, and on New Years Day the Lebanese people decided it was time to give President Hyman the boot. He was last seen driving a Volkswagen Bus into the Mountains of Lebanon where he will live in Exile.


Great Game, Can't wait to start over. Anybody else playing Superpower 2? I would like to try Multiplayer.
There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!