I know wery well whats the feeling...
I am playing AH till December and i am (still) at lower steps....
Some days i feel like smashing my joy for my frustrating performances... but day after day i realize im improving my skills.
If it can help i may add few words:
-Dont I repeat dont look any more at K/D
ratio (at least less possible

-prepare well yor attack, watch for all contacts around and if its necessary abort it
-prepare your escape window
-In case of kill go away take a rest (even land and roll again Ok!)
-If possible fly with a wingman
-practice and practice and practice again...
I know this is a poor thing in the ocean of words we may say on combat tactics, but u see im a newbie

, and those thing are helping me a lot (since i've not yet smashed my joy,i can say it!)

"Nibbio"4°Stormo CT "F.Baracca"