Author Topic: LA5 trouble  (Read 854 times)

Offline lapa

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LA5 trouble
« on: December 19, 2001, 11:27:00 AM »
Hi all,

first post but been playing for a few months now. I've been hopping around the countries a bit trying different planes for a few weeks at a time.

Recently I decided to try out the La5 after hearing some people extolling it as every bit as capable as a La7, only somewhat slower. Judging by the amount of controversy, love and hate the La7 creates, this sounds like a nice little monster to zoom around in, right?

And that's how it felt flying the little rocket too - it feels like it maneuvers, climbs and dives just as well as advertised. I could already see myself cutting swathes of destruction through furballs, taunting my poor enemies in their chutes as they helplessly float towards the ground.

However, once I took in into combat, i found out the glaring weakness in the plane.. it was the utterly hopeless, should I say PORKED linkage between the stick and the seat that completely prevented me from achieving the glory and success that was rightfully mine. For some reason, I couldnt do anything right in the La. I augered myself diving after low and slow cons, got it into weird unrecoverable stalls trying to land, tried vainly to chase after fleeing cons only to end up in ack or with a horde of red icons right on my tail drooling at the prospect of a free kill.

The funny thing was, I switched out of the La a couple of times and instantly had a great sortie, then took the La up and was suddenly a cupcake again. Does anyone else have these experiences? Can it be the bottle of vodka in the cockpit that drains me of all my wits? Is there a "LA5 for dummies" guide out there somewhere?  :confused:

To make a long story short, I would be really grateful for some pointers or training about the LA5. Or alternatively, be gentle when that lone Rook LA5 comes floundering around the nearest neighborhood furball.   :)


Offline Bluefish

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LA5 trouble
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2001, 11:53:00 AM »
Lapa, I am by no means an expert in the LA 5 (or anything else, for that matter) but I fly it a lot.  I have a love/hate relationship with the thing too: I love to fly it but hate trying to get kills in it.  A few thoughts:

1.  I don't think it's a great turnfighter when compared to Spits, Nikis, or anything other than the pure BnZ machines like Jugs.  It's best fought in the vertical.  It dives EXTREMELY well.

2.  I haven't noticed any weird stalls or any other unusual flight characteristics, so I can't really comment on that.  It will, however, snap nastily if you try to maeuver it too hard at low speed.  When you find yourself getting slow, use the great acceleration to extend and grab- it climbs like a rocket at low alt.

3.  The biggest problem is getting kills; aiming is peculiar in the LA5 because of the ballistics on the ShVak cannon (lots of drop) and the very large engine cowling.  You may want to readjust your head position in the LA5 as compared to other rides; I have it set so the sight crosshairs are very low, just above the engine cowling.  I found that when I had my head position set to what would be "normal" for other planes the cannons would consistently shoot under the target (beware you don't block out your trim indicators when setting seat position, however; they are inconveniently placed in the LA5).  

You may also want to check your convergence setting every time you go up; it seems to have a way of mysteriously changing on the LA5 (checked it once and found that it had shrunk to 50).

3.  Needless to say, with the aiming problem and the ballistics, snapshots are extremely tough and you have to get in VERY close for a tracking shot.  This is very tough to do in the MA, where either other friendlies will snake your hard earned kill while you're trying to saddle up or the enemy will drag you back to those hordes of bad guys you mentioned.  I get most of my kills in LA5s while "rescuing" friendlies who have a target obsessed bandit on their 6, usually on the deck.  The plane's excellent vertical maneuverablity, low level speed and acceleration will get you into position and the bandit's target fixation will let you saddle up.

4. While tough to get kills in, it's also VERY easy to survive in; the only non-perk planes I really fear in the LA5 are an LA7 or a well flown yak 9u (unfortunately, pilots who fly yaks usually tend to fly them very well).  I've heard that the LA5 is supposed to turn slightly better than an LA7 but I've never been able to manage that in a low and slow turnfight.

Hope this helps a little.  Given that you're a Rook, I will also try to kill you in the kindest, gentlest fashion possible.

Offline Tac

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LA5 trouble
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2001, 12:16:00 PM »
The la5 is a Yak9U with more ammo and better Dive ability.

Fly it like a yak. Better yet, fly it like a 109.

La5 is far more dangerous than the la7. The La7 can outrun and outzoom many planes, but the La5 is more manouverable and its zoom and speed are just a tad lower than the la7's.

I have yet to find a way to beat the La5 when flown by a competent stick. They always kill me. An La7 I can outmanouver or make it run away, the La5 STICKS to my 6 and stays there. I hate it.

Offline aknimitz

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LA5 trouble
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2001, 01:02:00 PM »
The La5 is a MONSTER.  I have a lot of stick time in this plane, and would be happy to help you with anything in the realm of training.  Shoot me an email,

I would respond to these posts, but no time right now  :)  


Offline Apar

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LA5 trouble
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2001, 01:54:00 AM »
The convergence settings should stay on the settings you set them too for every plane in AH. I have not seen my settings change for any plane unless I did so myself. Did you check whether your settings for other planes change too?


[ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Apar ]

Offline Ripsnort

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LA5 trouble
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2001, 07:33:00 AM »
Bluefish hit the flight characteristics right on the head. The only thing I would add is it will turn inside a LA7 but don't try to turn with a YAK9U.

If you want to rack some perkies up, fly it, I got 9.2 perkies last night for a 5 kill sortie   :eek:

Offline lapa

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LA5 trouble
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2001, 08:37:00 AM »
Thanks for the tips guys, I appreciate them.

Nimitz: sent you an email, thanks for the offer.

Bluefish: I managed to get the weird stall barrel-rolling in order to scrub off speed for landing. Scrubbed off a bit too much while inverted and suddenly noticed that the plane wasnt rolling anymore and i was sorta tailsliding upside-down towards the ground. Couldnt get out no matter what. Giggled a while at my own stupidity, then took off an f4u4 and pranged it trying to land on a turning carrier   :p
