Author Topic: Slumps: How to break 'em  (Read 917 times)

Offline flakbait

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Slumps: How to break 'em
« on: July 25, 2000, 03:21:00 AM »
I know the following info works, at least against the offline "uber-drones" in Warbirds. Haven't tried it here yet, but I see no reason it shouldn't work.

1.) Only get one kill per sortie. It may sound odd, but Eric Hartmann once said just that. It is better to gain one victory per day than to try for more and lose.

2.) Never look at scores. I learned this playing Wb 2.72 offline. The more I eyeballed the score in the top-right of the screen the more mistakes I made.

3.) Fly smart. Patience is a blessing, but persistance is a virtue. Use both to your advantage. Gain altitude and wait for a good contact, then maneuver for position. If you end up RTB due to fuel, just re-fuel and go up again. Wait for the right moment, position, and con; then attack.

4.) Try to get close. The less distance between you and him the less room he has to maneuver. Besides, if you waited for position he should be dead before he knows you're even there. That and shooting from up close uses less ammo.

5.) Get bounced a lot? Kill some ack. I'm not kidding. Killing AAA defenses is great for the reflexes, and it makes you think out your attack pass before you carry it out. Thinking out a pass is a lot better than just diving in to see what happens. Plus you get better results most of the time.

6.) M16s getting you down? I know they can be a pain; I got the same guy 5 times in one sortie when I was driving an M16. Got him mad as all hell too. Well, take a page from the Jabo Handbook: bomb 'em. Here's what you do. Get high after you load up bombs, and stay out of range of the M16 [3k is safe]. Now dive for speed and loop. When you come out on the bottom of the loop he should be right there. Drop and pull through the loop. If you got it close, he's damaged; if not he's either fine or dead.

7.) Never get slow. For some this is a constant problem: you get fast in the early parts of a fight but can't ever get your speed back. Here's where a page from 109 Maneuvers helps. Dive in, shoot 'em up, and zoom climb out. It's a fast pass, and more often than not the enemy plane ends up dead. Just remember: if he's not directly off your nose, don't kick rudder to hit him. Just pull out and try again. You've got time on your side, so don't rush things.

8.) Tired of the Charlie model Corsair blasting you to shreads with a .005 second burst? Here's how to get him. The Corsair is anything but maneuverable. If you can turn fight with him, go for it; but only if your plane has better turning qualities. If not, get high and bounce the sucker from behind. I use this in a Yak and it works beautifully: Get above the con and dive down on him. Once you're about 1k out, pull up so you'll fly right over his head. When your bulls-eye touches his cockput cut lose with everything. Gravity does the rest. If you shot short, most of his tail should be gone. If you shot long, he's either dead [PK] or you blew his engine to crap. There is one HUGE problem with this: it happens with blinding speed. If you screw up, he's got you right out in front. All he's got to do is pull the nose up and BOOM; you meet your buds back in the tower 2 seconds later.

Delta 6's Flight School

[This message has been edited by flakbait (edited 07-25-2000).]