you asked what I expect from my vote...which I voted for Bush...btw
I expect to see the economy to slowly get better, but really get alot better after GWB leaves office at the end of 2008.....
A democrate will take office in 2008 ( beginning 2009) and then will lay claim to what Bush has accomplished in his term before
basically the same thing will happen as to what happened back when Reagan and Bush Sr. turned the country around, then by the time all their work trickled through it was into Clintons second term clinto looked good and people kept him for another 4, yet by the time Clinton left office in Dec of 2000, things had swung to bad economy etc.and majority of nieve people in the US thought it was GWB's faught, btw alot of how things go is not at all the Presidents faught regardless who the pres is at the time, congress plays a big role in it all and so does the lobbyist, big corporations, the Big 8, other nations, UN, OPec, and so forth....just the media and most lay the blame or the fame on the President.....
Tim Russert made me laugh yesterday, when he slipped up saying is it is unforntunate we lost, I mean , that Kerry and the democrats lost.......
we all know how the media pushes it's views down everyone's throat.......national media really, some local media stick to their beliefs
I have more thoughts or opinions, but this stuff gets to boring to discuss....rather spend my free time in the game