Author Topic: P51 fuel management  (Read 858 times)

Offline Keez

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P51 fuel management
« on: October 18, 2001, 10:20:00 AM »

I have been very busy lately getting the hang of the P-51 Mustang. I'm starting to understand the fight basics, but I'm not quite sure what to do with the fuel management.

When I take wingtanks, what does A-ext mean? And what should I burn up first? A-Ext or Ext? And what fuel level in the wings would be best before entering a dogfight? Thanks a lot.


Offline Am0n

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P51 fuel management
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2001, 10:43:00 AM »

Anytime you see "A-" infront of the fuel monitor it means that it will "auto" drain the fuel accordingly. Other wise, for instances, if it says "AUX" it will drain from the AUX tank until it is dry.

for the mustang you need to drain the AUX tank first always, it throws off the center of gravity (balance) of the air craft making it stall easily and turn baddly. After the AUX drain the drop tanks or "EXT" as they are labeled on the fuel status indicator. With just the wing fuel (RW,LW) you got a good 40 minutes of flight time still so you have plenty of time.

Most 51 jocks recomend dropping one of the 2 drop tanks as soon as you take off because the mustang really doent need that much fuel, it burns it efficantly. You may want to drop the other if you get into a conflict, but it really doesnt effect your proformance to terribly. As for the wing fuel/proformance, the lower the better but remeber that is the last of your fuel when its gone, your SOL.

[ 10-18-2001: Message edited by: Am0n ]

Offline Vermillion

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P51 fuel management
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2001, 10:56:00 AM »
Keez, I use to fly the Pony alot and here is how I managed my fuel.

Takeoff with 50% + x2 DT's

After you have raised your gear, drop one Drop Tank, and use the second one to climb to your preferred altitude (for me this was 20k-22k).

Use the second drop tank until you enter your combat area, then drop it.

After that 50% fuel will last you plenty of time, and allow you get home without worry.

Otherwise leave it on "auto" fuel management and just fly the plane.

Good Luck  :)

Offline Keez

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P51 fuel management
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2001, 11:25:00 AM »
Thanks a bunch guys   :)

Offline Spatula

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P51 fuel management
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2001, 06:25:00 PM »
I do exactly what verm does/did, except sometimes i keep the 2 DTs on if i know im in for a long escort mission. Also, once your up at cruising alt or rtbing, you can save heaps of fuel by winding the RPM back to 2000 or less and use 1/2 throttle - you can stay up for ages if you dont run round everywhere at 100% throttle and RPM.

for extremely long sorties, 100% and 2 DTs will see you in the air for nearly an hour and a half - longer if you drop RPM and throttle.

IMO the p51 is a damned ugly plane to fly with any more than 50% and only really becomes a real deamon when your 25% or less.

And yes, always burn up the aux first - i think this is the auto-selected tank on take off anyway.
Airborne Kitchen Utensil Assault Group

Offline Midnight

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P51 fuel management
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2001, 05:24:00 PM »
I use 75% plus the Drop tanks. Leave one on the runway.. you won't need it.

Your AUX tank will last for 3.5 minutes at Military power setting.

Each wing tank will last for 20 minutes at Military.

If you keep the EXT tank, drop it when engaging as it can cause some problems with handling and can rip your wings because of the extra weight.

If you really want some more flight tested data on the P-51D, go to the 412th web-site by clicking on my signature.

Wing up, Get kills, Be happy!

Major Midnight - CO

The 412th is actively seeking P-51 Mustang pilots. E-mail me for more information

[ 10-21-2001: Message edited by: Midnight ]

Offline Keez

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P51 fuel management
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2001, 07:22:00 AM »
I tried, Midnight. It doesn't work.