Author Topic: Arafat  (Read 468 times)

Offline Silat

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« on: November 10, 2004, 06:28:50 PM »

Arch-Terrorist´s Legacy to be "Buried" in History

Many news media are reporting in the name of PA sources that arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat died yesterday in his Paris hospital bed, and that the official announcement will be made later today.

Reuters also reported that Arafat suffered a brain hemorrhage last night, and that "aides said privately that he was dead."

"I don't know anyone other than Arafat who has as much civilian Jewish blood on his hands since the time of the Nazis," Ariel Sharon said of him in 1995.

MK Aryeh Eldad (National Union) said in the Knesset yesterday, "There are not many things that have happened of late about which it is as appropriate to bless and rejoice over as the upcoming death of Yasser Arafat."

Arafat's official biography on the Nobel Prize website glosses over his terrorist past, writing only,
"In 1958 he and his friends founded Al-Fatah, an underground network of secret cells, which in 1959 began to publish a magazine advocating armed struggle against Israel. At the end of 1964 Arafat left Kuwait to become a full-time revolutionary, organizing Fatah raids into Israel from Jordan. It was also in 1964 that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was established [not by Arafat, who was elected leader only in 1968 Arutz-7 ed.], under the sponsorship of the Arab League, bringing together a number of groups all working to free Palestine for the Palestinians. The Arab states favored a more conciliatory policy than Fatah's... Arafat developed the PLO into a state within the state of Jordan with its own military forces. King Hussein of Jordan, disturbed by its guerrilla attacks on Israel and other violent methods, eventually expelled the PLO from his country. Arafat sought to build a similar organization in Lebanon, but this time was driven out by an Israeli military invasion. He kept the organization alive, however, by moving its headquarters to Tunis..."

The Nobel Prize site does not make clear that this long period was actually one of blood and murder orchestrated by Arafat. The PLO under his leadership conducted plane hijackings, bombings, and other acts of violence against Israel. In fact, the beginning of terror sky-jackings has been attributed to Arafat and the Fatah. Two years ago, after an Israeli plane was almost shot down in Kenya, then-Foreign Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned, "Sky-jacking terrorism first began against Israeli targets abroad by Arafat and Fatah in the late 1960's, and it very quickly became an international plague."

Though there had been "transportation" skyjackings in which criminals wished to reach Cuba, the first terrorist-extortion hijacking of an airliner apparently occurred in July 1968, when terrorists of the PLO-faction PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) hijacked an El Al airliner to Algiers. (This was the only successful hijacking of an El Al plane.)

Two years later, PLO-PFLP terrorists hijacked four planes over Europe and flew them to Jordan and Cairo, where they were blown up. The terrorists used the passengers as bargaining chips to win the release of PLO terrorists from European jails.

The PLO under Arafat was also responsible for the massacre of 26 people, mostly children, in the Netiv Meir school in Maalot in May 1974. Another PLO organization perpetrated the Munich Olympics slaughter, killing eleven Israeli athletes in 1972.

In Lebanon, Arafat's forces killed hundreds of thousands of Christians, destroyed Christian villages, and burned churches, as detailed here. See also this article by a Lebanese Christian.

Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest ranking intelligence officer ever to have defected from the former Soviet bloc, wrote [Wall Street Journal, January 12, 2002 ],
"... I am not surprised to see that Yasser Arafat remains the same bloody terrorist I knew so well during my years at the top of Romania's foreign intelligence service. I became directly involved with Arafat in the late 1960s, in the days when he was being financed and manipulated by the KGB... Gen. Sakharovsky asked us in Romanian intelligence to help the KGB bringing Arafat and some of his fedayeen fighters secretly to the Soviet Union via Romania, in order for them to be indoctrinated and trained. During that same year, the Soviets maneuvered to have Arafat named chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, with public help from Egypt's ruler, Gamal Abdel Nasser.

"When I first met Arafat, I was stunned by the ideological similarity between him and his KGB mentor. Arafat's broken record was that American "imperial Zionism" was the "rabid dog of the world," and there was only one way to deal with a rabid dog: "Kill it!" ... Arafat and his KGB handlers were preparing a PLO commando team headed by Arafat's top deputy, Abu Jihad, to take American diplomats hostage in Khartoum, Sudan, and demand the release of Sirhan Sirhan, the Palestinian assassin of Robert Kennedy...

"On March 2, 1973, after President Nixon refused the [above] demand, the PLO commandos executed three of their hostages: American Ambassador Cleo A. Noel Jr., his deputy, George Curtis Moore, and Belgian charge d'affaires Guy Eid. In May 1973, during a private dinner with Ceausescu, Arafat excitedly bragged about his Khartoum operation... James Welsh, a former intelligence analyst for the National Security Agency, has told U.S. journalists that the NSA had secretly intercepted the radio communications between Yasser Arafat and Abu Jihad during the PLO operation against the Saudi embassy in Khartoum, including Arafat's order to kill Ambassador Noel..."

Pacepa also wrote about PLO murders against its own people:
"In January 1978, the PLO representative in London was assassinated at his office. Soon after that, convincing pieces of evidence started to come to light showing that the crime was committed by the infamous terrorist Abu Nidal, who had recently broken with Arafat and built his own organization. "That wasn't a Nidal operation. It was ours," Ali Hassan Salameh, Arafat's liaison officer for Romania, told me. Even Ceausescu's adviser to Arafat, who was well familiar with his craftiness, was taken by surprise. "Why kill your own people?" Col. Constantin Olcescu asked. "We want to mount some spectacular operations against the PLO, making it look as if they had been organized by Palestinian extremist groups that accuse the chairman of becoming too conciliatory and moderate," Salameh explained..."
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Offline Muckmaw1

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« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2004, 08:47:29 PM »
Here's hoping they have a special place in Hell for this Nobel Prize Winner.

Offline TweetyBird

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« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2004, 10:17:39 PM »
Well he's dead. Its still beyond me how anyone can forget the 1972 olympics. There's no forgiveness for murder on earth - thats for God if it is at all possible.

Offline Staga

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« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2004, 06:41:43 AM »
Lew/Silat; are we going to see similar thread when Ariel Sharon has died?

He has just as much blood in his hands, maybe even more.

Of course sources like "Israel National News" would leave that part out :)

Offline Habu

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« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2004, 07:50:23 AM »
More importantly.

Who has the farthest distance walking SOB in that drunk thread?

Offline Maverick

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« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2004, 10:25:47 AM »
A Veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life."
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Offline Sabre

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« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2004, 01:41:43 PM »
Hard to imagine these two articles are about the same person:

Personally, I'm rather sickened by President Carter's (and other world figures) gushing praise for this animal.  The second story implies that Bush said "God bless his soul" when refering to Arafat's death.  I've not been able to verify if he actually said that.  Anyone have that quote from another source?  If so, I'd like to write President Bush and ask him why he's say something like that to a terrorist, one his adminstration has shunned (and rightly so).

Carter, on the other hand, is a chief architect of the miserable situation we face in the Middle East.  His inept handling of the Shaw of Iran led to the rise of the fundamentialists in that country, which in turn resulted in our unholy alliance with Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war.  Indeed, he did more damage in his four years in office than any other US president in history.  He can't possibly be as naive as as he sounds here, can he?
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Offline Otto

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« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2004, 02:09:43 PM »
CNN just confirmed that Arafat is still dead...

Offline Silat

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« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2004, 02:58:15 PM »
Originally posted by Staga
Lew/Silat; are we going to see similar thread when Ariel Sharon has died?

He has just as much blood in his hands, maybe even more.

Of course sources like "Israel National News" would leave that part out :)

Staga if Ariel was in the same category then yes. As Arafat has dominated his category by leaps and bounds the answer is "THERE IS NO COMPARISON".
You best study history.
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Offline Vudak

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« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2004, 06:09:45 PM »
Originally posted by Sabre

The second story implies that Bush said "God bless his soul" when refering to Arafat's death.  I've not been able to verify if he actually said that.  Anyone have that quote from another source?  If so, I'd like to write President Bush and ask him why he's say something like that to a terrorist, one his adminstration has shunned (and rightly so).

Bush did say something along those lines, might actually be exactly that.  He said it a few days ago when it was first rumoured that Arafat had died.

I saw it on the Daily Show though...  They didn't edit Bush's words either (though they did make fun of it, of course).
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Offline JBA

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« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2004, 06:21:02 PM »
[My comments in brackets]
[The left and Euro elites still don’t get it do they?]

Jimmy Carter called Yasser Arafat  "a powerful human symbol”

New York Times doesn’t use the word terrorist.
LA times calls him a “guerrilla fighter”

……”Among the more spectacular deeds….”   [That would be terrorist acts]

Taken from two articles in the NYT

….”who was the symbol of the Palestinian revolution and aspiration for an independent state for some 40 years,….”

“….In 2000, after rejecting a land-for-peace deal…..”

[So he really wanted a independent state?]

Foreign Secretary Jack Straw – who described Mr Arafat as "towering figure in the Middle East" - will attend the funeral on behalf of the British government

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Prime Minister of Malaysia and the chairman of the 57-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference paid his tribute.

“The death of Yasser Arafat marks not only the departure of a great leader but also a turning point in the history of the Middle East," he said

French President Jacques Chirac called him a “man of courage and conviction who, for 40 years, has incarnated the Palestinians' combat for recognition of their national rights.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Mr Arafat had "dedicated his life to the Palestinian people's just cause, the fight for their inalienable right to crate an independent state, which would coexist with Israel within recognized and secure borders."

Irish Foreign Minister Dermot Ahern said it was "tragic" that Arafat did not live to see an independent Palestinian state.

[someone said to bad he didn't live long enough to see his dream come true, thank God he didn't that dream was to destroy Isreal],2763,1348445,00.html

The French doing their part..

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Offline Vudak

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« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2004, 06:28:48 PM »
You know...  Wouldn't it just make sense to laud him with praise now that he's dead and hope that the Palestinians buy into our ass-kissing spectacle?

>shrug< as many have pointed out, he's in for a bit of a wild ride in the afterlife, so what's it matter to us anymore?

Just say whatever the Palestinians want to hear so maybe they'll play nice...  :cool:

Of course, that might encourage more people to try his uh...  Less noble methods...  But hey, the region's such a cestpool of intolerance, hatred, and feuds that it really can't get much worse anyway! Let's give it a shot, we can always go back to condemning him later.
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Offline demaw1

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« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2004, 07:53:13 PM »
GREAT LEADER??......ah chomp, chomp anymore popcurn left ?  
 Where, I say, where is the ROOSTER  when you need him?

Offline airbumba

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« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2004, 11:20:23 PM »
Great one down a one to go. When that war criminal Sharon croaks, maybe the people of that region can join us in the modern times, and not have to fight the bitter battle between two old terrorists. The quicker all the old cronies and their decades old rivalries die, the better chance everyone in that region has.

Here's to hoping the new crowd can think about modern civilization.
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