If a plane wich has a safety limit of 2800rpm with a fixed prop is in a constant climb, which would yield better results?
Fixed prop, no change to prop pitch.
Constant speed prop, you select rpms and the prop pitch is adjusted so you get the rpms you set.
Turbo prop, you adjust pitch in a given range.
rpm of the prop can not exceed the rpm at that the prop blade tips go close to supersonic. Dont know how to calculate this but for the sake of this discussion assume you are way below that.
Now another point. The engine has a power curve and a redline. The max. power of the engine increases with rpm to a certain point (max hp) from then it falls again. With reducing mainfoldpressure or combustible (fuel,N2O,Methanol) you can get lower power output than that.
The redline is the max rpm at which you can savely operate the engine, going higher it will be destroyed.
When you have any kind of charger you can increase the power at a certain rpm, to a certain extent. Pumping to much air+fuel into the cylinder it will explode to early scrap the engine. This still leads to the above mentioned power curve where engine hp rise to max hp boosted and then fall again to redline.
max hp might be diffrent from max hp boosted.
Now to your points of rising rpms...
1. when the engine at the given altitude is at max hp boosted then increasing the rpm will give you less net hps. together with less efficient prop= slower
2. when increasing rpm pushes you above the redline the engine is dead within less then a minute, will net in less lvl speed.
3. increasing rpm from below max hp boosted and still below redline.. will net in more power aka more speed
If case 3 works then you werent at max power settings before. In ah2 terms you werent at military power.
If case 3 works but your engine heats up because its cooling is not sufficiant then you are in some kind of WEP rated power.
If case 3 works only with injection of special fuel (Water, MEthanol,N2O,MW50 usw) then you use WEP rated power.
Other than that, when you reduce the rpms it gets more effective prop but you probably come to a point where the engine delivers less power. Like a car, at idle its weak at 5000rpms you get kick bellybutton acceleration.
Ok now back to your second post.. what happens when you rev up the engine by giving less prop pitch from military power settings?
Depends on the plane and engine.
1. engine blows up
2. less speed/climb if your engine goes above max hp
3. better speed/climb but engine starts heating up (=using wep)
ciao schutt