Author Topic: Carrier landings made easy.  (Read 3508 times)

Offline Xjazz

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Carrier landings made easy.
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2001, 06:13:00 AM »
I think takeoff is much harder that landing with F4U. Ones I get three ground loops to death in row :-( Yes,I have a rudder but still FU is like a wild horse! "Keep ball center, keep ball center, keep...." mantra.

I read some where that WW2 pilots skid litlebit to get better visibility aside of the nose. Anybody try this?


Offline Nifty

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Carrier landings made easy.
« Reply #31 on: April 18, 2001, 11:33:00 AM »
Are there flight differences to launching from a carrier in offline mode and online mode?  I haven't had any problems getting the F4U and Seafire off of the carrier deck in offline play.  Is there a easy flight model I don't know about?  Basically, I give about 4 notches of flaps on the F4U, throw the brakes on, and throttle up.  When she's humming, I let loose on the brakes, use rudder to keep her straight and nose down.  When I clear the deck, immediate gear up, pull back just a tad on the stick, and gradually start raising flaps.  I dunno if that's the appropriate way to do it, but it works for me offline.  Haven't tried it online yet or in HtH.  Landings are another story...  *grins*  
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline AcId

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Carrier landings made easy.
« Reply #32 on: April 19, 2001, 08:40:00 AM »
Yeah thats about it, If your Hvy engage Wep as well.

As for landings I do things the same for all AC albeit a bit different than whats described here, I line up at about 1k alt Full flaps, gear, hook(if aplicable), Sauntering in I hit 'x' for auto when lined up straight, 'Page up'& over for better view, Adjust throttle for good sink rate keeping a minor sounding stall horn and usually catch the middle wire cutting the throttle over the fantail.

[This message has been edited by AcId (edited 04-19-2001).]