My Wife is as some have posted here. Totally understanding of the time I put into this game. She also brings me dinner and drinks. Makes coffee and brings it. She doesn't mind me playing at ll.
As far as the suspesion goes , well cant help ya there other than tell her to watch and see what your doing. AFter a few minutes she will be back to sleep. Especiall if you go on a Long Hi Alt PEE51 run.
What works with my adorable wife is she plays online games and I give her the TV to listen to while she plays. She giggles at all that military stuff. JABO , Heavies , Fighters , Rgr , Copy , Ord on whatever...Vulching....She just giggles and says...
"You guys sure enjoy blowing eachother up dont ya"
If you have a great wife , like I do , and a few others it seems , AH is a great time for HER as well as you. If you just make her time important.