Author Topic: Sore Losers  (Read 8636 times)

Offline Vudak

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« Reply #30 on: November 21, 2004, 07:31:09 PM »
Great post Stang, especially the part about the fellow who ho's, runs, waits for you to actually get in a fun scrap with someone else who wants  to fight, and then he turns around to either cherry pick or ho you again.

That frustrates me to no end...  Actually it's about the only thing in this game that really does.  If you don't want to try your best, fine, but please, if I find someone who does, don't come back just to steal THEIR hard earned kill.
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Offline Wotan

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« Reply #31 on: November 21, 2004, 07:33:50 PM »
Timid flyers are the worst thing ever in this game. They boring beyond belief. If you are 'timid' expect to be called out as timid.

Fly any way you want just get thicker skin...

Why would feel the need to run to your 'bbs mommy' to tell on some one who called you out?

WTG Urchin,

If they wont take you on in a friendly fight maybe if they hate you enough they may come after you. At the very least you may get a 'glimpse' of what a dog fight should be...

Offline killnu

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« Reply #32 on: November 21, 2004, 07:48:26 PM »
maybe im still missing something here, maybe.. just maybe thats how they want to fly.  timid to you may be fun to them.  when a timid flyer kills a not so timid flyer, does he pm him and give him crap for how he flies?  or give him crap on 200 for how he flies?  i could hear it now..."hey you dolt, you suk, you were flying all alone, low and slow into a giant horde"  

if thats how they want to fly, so be it.  if they want to learn, they will ask.  giving them crap for how they fly will not encourage them to ask the "aces" for help.:aok
Karma, it follows you every where you go...

++The Blue Knights++

Offline ALF

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« Reply #33 on: November 21, 2004, 07:48:48 PM »
I am consistantly amazed at the level of egomaniacal complaining.  You fly your plane the way you want, everyone else will fly their plane the way they want.

Anything further is only evidence that you either have a severe issue with controling others, or you just cant hang.  We all get frustrated at things, it is however important to remember that getting frustrated at the way someone else does things is a sure way to drive ones self crazy.

I refer you to: this link

Offline Stang

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« Reply #34 on: November 21, 2004, 07:53:01 PM »
Originally posted by ALF
Just remember, if they've done an exceptional job, if they b**ch and moan, you've done an OutStanding job, if they start calling names and questioning your parental heratige, and sexual appatite, you may sleep soundly that evening, knowing that you did a job so well, your opponents rational mind couldnt fathom it, and so he reverted to his primitive mind...which he usually only uses alone in the bathroom with a magazine hoping his mom doesnt  knock on the door.

This could be the biggest load of sh*t I have ever read.  

Yes, I stand by that statement

Offline killnu

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« Reply #35 on: November 21, 2004, 07:53:57 PM »
that is too funny  :lol :lol :lol :rofl :aok

edit..i meant the link to alfs last thread:aok
Karma, it follows you every where you go...

++The Blue Knights++

Offline JB82

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« Reply #36 on: November 21, 2004, 07:59:38 PM »
Some of you guys are realy lost on what this post was about.  Someone got all paranoid thinking everything is about them.  If you think that this thread is about you then your the one that got called out, therefore your the one who needs to get the thicker skin.  Does the truth about your poor sportsmanship hurt that much?

I pay $14.95 a month to play an online sim game.  I do NOT pay $14.95 a month to be harassed and belittled by people who get so upset about getting shot down or about the way I fly.  There is a reason I don't tune to channel 200 and I would very much appreciate it if you do not PM me.  I have every right to play this game with out having to put up with the childish remarks.

I hope in the near future that HTC would make it so that we have the option of being able to squelch all PM, whether it's vox or text.  I have to put up with BS like this every day I work.  There is no reason I should have to listen to the same BS when I'm trying to relax at home with the very rare chance of being able to play.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2004, 10:45:36 PM by JB82 »

Offline Elfie

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« Reply #37 on: November 21, 2004, 08:31:01 PM »
I couldnt agree with you more Stang, nor could I have come even remotely close to putting it as well as you did :)

In my Hurricane I cant outrun anyone, I have to stand and fight heh.

Sure wish I had filmed those fights with you the other night. Then I could see what you did and evaluate how to counter, maybe I'll have the film running next time :)
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline killnu

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« Reply #38 on: November 21, 2004, 08:38:51 PM »
In my Hurricane I cant outrun anyone, I have to stand and fight heh.

once again, that is how some choose to fly, other dont.  that simple really.
Karma, it follows you every where you go...

++The Blue Knights++

Offline RTSigma

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« Reply #39 on: November 21, 2004, 11:30:49 PM »
Heck, I'll shoot down anyone anywhere in any style I want. I'll do what I can to get you out of the sky to allow my wingman through, a bomber to save, or to prevent vulching of an airfield.

I honestly don't care how I'll kill another pilot/plane. I'll HO, I'll cherry-pick, I'll BnZ, TnB. If I can get you out of the sky in one swipe and 30 rounds, I'll do it.

So heres my advice. Fly like you're paying $15 a month. Play to win.

Its like joining a cigar club for 20 bucks a month and not smoking them and yelling at those who do.


Offline Urchin

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« Reply #40 on: November 21, 2004, 11:34:29 PM »
Originally posted by JB82
Some of you guys are realy lost on what this post was about.  Someone got all paranoid thinking everything is about them.  If you think that this thread is about you then your the one that got called out, therefore your the one who needs to get the thicker skin.  Does the truth about your poor sportsmanship hurt that much?

I pay $14.95 a month to play an online sim game.  I do NOT pay $14.95 a month to be harassed and belittled by people who get so upset about getting shot down or about the way I fly.  There is a reason I don't tune to channel 200 and I would very much appreciate it if you do not PM me.  I have every right to play this game with out having to put up with the childish remarks.

I hope in the near future that HTC would make it so that we have the option of being able to squelch all PM, whether it's vox or text.  I have to put up with BS like this every day I work.  There is no reason I should have to listen to the same BS when I'm trying to relax at home with the very rare chance of being able to play.

I'm kind of caught between amusement and confusion.  

Apparently Hartmann here took what was meant to be a genuine question and turned it into some sort of indictment on his "fighting" "style".  

So I'll give my version of what happened earlier, you guys can pick it apart all you want.  

Flew a couple sorties today, nothing really good going on.  See a carrier down around a knight base with 3-4 guys flying off it, and a pretty fair sized red bar in the 3 sectors around the carrier.  Roll an F6F.  See some B-26s coming in at about 200 feet, they actually don't try to suicide the carrier (wonder of wonders!)... fly between the B26s and the carrier for about 2-3 minutes, waiting for them to turn back in, they never do.  Some other friendly was doing a tail-chase on em, the guy was probably sitting in the tail gun waiting on his free kill.  

Turn back, see an enemy Spit headed my way.  Shoot rockets at enemy spit.  Kill enemy spit with rockets.  Laugh my bellybutton off, because I've never actually had an A2A kill with rockets before.  

Bout 30 seconds after that, a Tiffie comes in past me headed in to suicide the cruiser.  Get a couple pings on the Tiffie, he gets the cruiser, I get the kill on him.  See a flight of Ju-88s, go after them.. miss em.  Come back around for another pass.  Get the crap shot out of me with the lil paintball guns on my way past, then fly parallel to him for a while trying to get in front of him as he heads toward what was left of the "fleet"  (all 3 destroyers).  

See a Ju-87 ahead co-alt, decide to pick up a free kill and then deal with the Ju-88s.  Get pings on the Stuka, but don't kill him.  A 190 that I hadn't seen zips past me after blowing his pass on me.

He zooms back up, I kill the Stuka.  He makes another pass, I bank, he zooms back up.  

Make another pass on the Ju-88s, he waits until I'm attacking the bombers to come back down, but changes his mind because I finish my pass on the bombers before he can get down to me.

Leave the bombers alone while I try to sucker this run90 down where I can kill him... that doesn't work.  Ju88s fly home.  See a P-47 attacking 2 friendly Pt-boats about 5k below me, decide that if the run90 isn't gonna fight, then I'll just kill the P-47.  Make my first pass on the P-47, as expected the run90 dives in right behind me.  Make an abbreviated pass at the P-47, get some hits but don't kill him.  Pull up early to get the run90 to overshoot, get some hits on the run90 but don't kill him either.  P-47 tries to go up after me, the run90 keeps running.  I come back over the top behind the P-47 and kill it.  

Run90 gets out of icon range, then turns around.  See some B24s coming in to bomb one of the PT boats.  Attack the B24s.. miss the B24s.  Run90 is camped out up there, not really doing anything.  B24s turn around, I go after the B24s again...  and I miss em again.  Look around for the run90, he is like 5.5k away.  

Run90 is ~co-alt with me, I turn toward run90.  We fly straight at eachother, about 1k I open up, he does a little dive, then pulls up at ~600 and opens up himself.  I fly straight through him, and die.  Dunno if he did or not, I smoked his oil or radiator with like the 1st hit though, so his sortie was over one way or another.  

So then I private him -

"Yea, I thought I was prolly "fighting" a JaBore there"
"Anyway, I want to ask you a question"
"Why on earth would you go for a joust when you are plainly terrified to fight?"
"I can tell you why I did it, I was bored stiff, but you could have run me out of fuel eventually, so why did you do it?"

Never got any response.  

Ended with "Ah well, guess the JaBores got something other than their balls cut off", said me goodbyes to the squad and logged.  

Apparently Hartmann decided it was better to present his "case" on the BBS rather than answer a simple question.

Offline JB82

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« Reply #41 on: November 22, 2004, 12:02:33 AM »
I did reply to you but I guess you loged before you got the message.  I would not have gone for the HO, I thought you were going the other way. I did not otherwise know until I saw your tracers.  I tried to dive under but realized I was screwed either way.  When your bullets started hitting my D-9 that's when I pulled back up and fired.  You are not the first nor the last to PM me like that, I simply don't like it.  If you feel this was aimed just towards you, your wrong.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2004, 12:13:20 AM by JB82 »

Offline soda72

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Re: Sore Losers
« Reply #42 on: November 22, 2004, 12:35:14 AM »
Originally posted by JB82
What is the deal with certain people sending private messages to you when you shoot them down, talking *^*#?

Yeah, this is a growing trend now since channel one has been disabled...   Can't really say it's bad or good...  I suppose it's better than having it on an open channel for everyone to read...

Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #43 on: November 22, 2004, 12:51:42 AM »
What if they just run away because they think they can't win?

 Is that a bad thing?

 I've seen a lot of self-proclaimed vets run any time they want. Usually cleverly disguised as a "fight" - if you can say clubbing baby seals a "fight" - they kill a lot of planes, and then when the odds seem to get bad, they turn back and go land their 5~6 kills.

 Hey, isn't that running? Shouldn't have they just died on that scene? Why do the vets go land kills anyway? Why do they bother rtbing with low fuel load or ammo? Shouldn't they try to get manuever kills until the moment their wings fall off?

 Or, how about this. Is the "fights" you guys are praising really so fair? Some of you are clearly excellent pilots with years of experience.

 So is it a really a 'fair fight' when you want a 1vs1 or want a fight to the death against an average guy who flies uber planes, thinks he needs that uber plane at least to survive, and will think to run away because he knows he can't win against you guys?

 I mean, really guys, its an ego spill.

 The fact that the guy runs means that he knows he can't beat you. Its a moral and situational victory for you. Isn't that enough? Do you have to shoot down everything in your way to be satisfied? What's all this unsatiable thirst to be acknowledged as a superior  pilot?

 Just let it go guys. Whatever intentions or lack of skills or cowardice or whatever you think the other guy has, its his thought to think and his plane to maneuver.

 I've known a lot of you in this thread for years. I've entered AH looking at you guys thinking that I'd like to be that good a pilot. Don't spoil it anymore for me please :) You're the kind of guys can get kills almost any situation you want. Whomever runs away runs because he has more friends or faster plane nearby, and you know that you can kill him whenever a solo engagement occurs.

 Its all a bit of parts and parcel of the flight sim kind. There are always much more average, lacking guys then you vets. These guys need whatever edge they can get to survive. Just admit that fact and really, its nothing to be frustrated of.

 Look at the big picture - the MA resembles a real war more and more everyday, though it lacks the strategic components or military organization.

 The people who constitute the "airforces" of each countries are like drafted pilots with little experiece. Its a battle, a war which numerous people - often less skilled - take part in, and not all of them regard a fight to the death as an "opportunity to have fun" or an "opportunity to learn". They just want to live as long as they could without dying.

 The days of cheerful, pure-aircombat related fun is over in AH. Gotta accept that friends, its gone, and its not coming back.

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« Reply #44 on: November 22, 2004, 01:14:41 AM »
ALF--love the clip.