In 3-4 hours you should be able to get the captains rank, simply by staying alive for 10 minutes at a time, to get a mission success for rank points. (has to be 10min or it'll be a failed mission)
Infantry will get you the most points, then the trucks.
the guns and tanks do not get mission success without kills.
SdKfz 7 seemed to also give nice points, about equal to infantry.
When you get the rank of captain, you get the binocs.
Those will make it a great deal easier to avoid enemy guns and tanks.
Also makes you able to shoot from longer ranges, when you can locate the enemy easier.
Some of the best shots will get you from 500 meters, but mostly it's from within 300 meters.
Tanks and guns do sometimes try to get you even from 1km.
In my opinion the infantry is most survivable, once learns the tricks to survive (and gets the binocs to locate the threat easier)
Of course it doesnt rack up kills so much as tanks "might", if they don't get killed due to being so visible.
Although thats more problem for the axis panzers, which can be easily seen from the air and allies do most of the time have air superiority nowadays.
Something to do with the fubar flight modelling, which somehow seems to favor allied planes.
In WWIIOL the "elliptical wings" super bonus myth is recreated very well.
Not to mention the american fighters performance is modelled after the unarmed/unarmoured planes, instead of the actual production models which saw the fight for most parts