But please stop with the high indignation that every word in the thread pertains to you or a reference you posted.
Did not think it did reference but when you blatantly ignore the facts as WideWing does you can expect someone to harp in.
Gonna repost the docs because they have gotten lost in the BS of this thread.
First the claim about the P38's accelleration. Let's compare it to it's USAAF brethern when flown against the Zeke:

The P51:

The P47:

The aircraft with the smallest amount of lead over the zeke is the P 38. The P 38 was easily outaccellerated by the other USAAF fighters.
Why? Well lets check out it's drag:

The highest of the USAAF fighters and with unremarkable powerloading it is easy to see why the P 38 lagged behind.
As for it's Manuverability. Lets check out what the competition has to say about the P 38:

It had two engines, good guns, and was fast.
It lacked sufficient manuverability and was a big target.
Luftwaffe fighter pilots ALWAYS attacked the P 38 in preferrence to other USAAF fighter.
Speaks volumes about the plane.
Now let's see what US Combat Pilots, engineers, and Test Pilots had to say about the P 38:

Kind fits exactly what the Luftwaffe pilots say about the plane.
Well, we know it does not accellerate very well and it's manuverability is not very good. Let's see if it can dive pretty good!

Nope. It was restricted to 480mph TAS MAX IF it exceeded the placard limits by 20mph.
That means it was almost 100 mph SLOWER in a dive than the Luftwaffe fighters.
gwshaw brought up a good point with the tactical trials of the P 38F and the FW-190A3. After reviewing the Power restricitons on both A/C, which is listed about 4 pages back in this thread, these tactical trials probably hold true for all models of the FW-190A vs P38 as each plane was operating at reduced power output and gained substantial power during their lifecycle.
These are the trials where the USAAF is trying to develop the best way for the P38 to destory the FW-190 in the air.

The P38 was an good fighter in the Pacific against the much slower Zeke's. It had a much harder time against the Luftwaffe.
In the end we can find no big mystery or conspiracy against the plane. The facts speak for themselves.
The P38 was not a premier fighter in the USAAF lineup. Removing it from the air superiority fighter role and placing it in ground attack duties was the correct call both tactically and technically.