Author Topic: Stupidest thing you've done while driving  (Read 2948 times)

Offline Curval

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Stupidest thing you've done while driving
« Reply #30 on: November 30, 2004, 05:52:51 AM »
My sister came to visit me in Toronto when I was in University.

On her last night we hit the pubs and everyone got hammered.

I drove home, which was really really stupid in and of itself...but that isn't what I wanted to relate.

The next morning, despite my sister offering to take a cab I decided to drive her to the airport.

On the way home my hangover decided to "kick it up a notch" and I started to feel quite ill.  I thought smoking a cigarette might help.  WRONG.  Two puff later I coughed.  This coughing activated a gag reflex.

I then started to throw up.

I caught the first "wave" in my right hand.  The second "wave" spilled over into my lap.  By the time waves three and four hit there was no point in trying to maintain the vomit I was holding in my right hand, so I emptied it into my lap with the rest of it.

Five minutes later the smell forced more vomiting despite my wide open window and the numbing cold from outside I had hoped would make me feel better.

When I got home I did a cursory clean up and went to bed.

That evening I started to clean the car.  I found the cigarette I had tried to smoke burned deeply into the driver side seat.
Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain

Offline Heater

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Stupidest thing you've done while driving
« Reply #31 on: November 30, 2004, 06:50:31 AM »
Pulled up to the main gate at Altus Air Force Base (late 70's) during a security check,  where you have to show your ID,

I was drunk and on a Honda 750 and forgot to put my feet down, I fell over, The Guard at the gate helped me up and then escorted me to the Q so I could sleep it off before he would give me the keys back.
HiTech is a DWEEB-PUTZ!
I have multiple personalities and none of them like you !!!

Offline Tinpot

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« Reply #32 on: November 30, 2004, 06:53:20 AM »
Picture an Austin Mini Metro. (for you americans its a more angular version of the old  Mini! with a hatchback instead of a boot, oops sorry trunk )
6 teenagers. The guy in the driver seat operates the foot pedals only. The guy in the middle ( not sitting on a seat but kind of wedged between driver and passenger ) operates the gear stick and handbrake when neccessary. The guy in the passenger front seat operates the indicators, wipers lights etc. The guy behind the driver leans over and operates the steering wheel. The other two shout commands or scream in terror!

The driver seat guy shouts things like "helmsman turn to the left" to get the steerer to turn. "Engage warp factor?" depending on what gear he wishes to use. "fire photon torpedoes" depending on whether he wants indicators ( sorry turn signals ) on or not, and so on. The passengers warn of enemy klingons or ships ( other cars or coppers )

As I recall it was hillarious, scary and completely crazy, but growing up in rural east anglia with little or no traffic on the lanes at night ,most of the police asleep or miles away. we managed not to cause too much mayhem.

Offline Tinpot

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« Reply #33 on: November 30, 2004, 07:00:27 AM »
There was the time my best mate at university and I dressed up like the PLO, sunglasses arab shemaghs, on College carnival day. Bought a couple of battery powered uzi water pistols, made saddle bags full of water from two old squashed buckets, to refill from, and jumped on my old suzuki 250 motorcycle. We rode up and down the college carnival floats soaking people. Got stopped by a policewomen whom my mate propmtly dumped a bucket of water over, and hot footed it back to the university grounds, down the central reservation of the dual carriage way. We had taken the precaution of removing the license plate. We hid the bike and spent the afternoon in a weed induced haze laughing ourselves stupid!

Probably get shot by the anti terrorist squad for it nowadays!

Oh well

Offline jigsaw

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Stupidest thing you've done while driving
« Reply #34 on: November 30, 2004, 07:22:05 AM »
Similar story as Dune, but on an '83 V65.

Re: planes and seatbelts - When I'm flying solo I use the right side seat belt to strap my flight bag down. Prevents it from any chance of going out the door and keeps the bag in place in turbulence.

Offline 1K0N

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Stupidest thing you've done while driving
« Reply #35 on: November 30, 2004, 07:47:19 AM »
sex... while driving on the interstate...Not worth the flashbacks...


Offline Replicant

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Re: Ok
« Reply #36 on: November 30, 2004, 07:52:18 AM »
Originally posted by Tinpot
Picture an Austin Mini Metro. (for you americans its a more angular version of the old  Mini! with a hatchback instead of a boot, oops sorry trunk )
6 teenagers. The guy in the driver seat operates the foot pedals only. The guy in the middle ( not sitting on a seat but kind of wedged between driver and passenger ) operates the gear stick and handbrake when neccessary. The guy in the passenger front seat operates the indicators, wipers lights etc. The guy behind the driver leans over and operates the steering wheel. The other two shout commands or scream in terror!

Heh, we did the same thing when I was at Technical college.  One of the guys had a MG Metro and we managed to get four in the back and three in the front.  The thing was about scrapping along on the floor and I was stuck in the rear footwell.  Not very bright considering a few weeks after someone else did something similar and had a crash and a few were killed.

Another time was when I was a mechanic.  It was 1990, I was 17 and I took out a Rover Sterling V6.  I ended up doing 120mph down a very bouncy but straight road.  I then realised it had an onboard computer that recorded the average mph.  It was now reading 69mph as an average.  Damn... so I crawled along at about 10mph trying to lower the average!  I managed to do it!

Yet another time as a mechanic and another Austin Metro!  There was a humped back bridge in a small village nearby.  I stopped before it, then floored the accelerator and launched over the bridge.  Bang... anyone familiar with a Metro engine (like the old Mini engine), it is transversely mounted with the gearbox directly below it.  I managed to scrape all the cooling fins off the gearbox when the thing landed in a mass of sparks!  It was a works 'courtesy car' so I kept inspecting the car all afternoon to see if there were any oil leaks!

BTW Tinpot, which part of Brum you from?  I'm originally from the otherside of Leicester.

Offline EN4CER

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Stupidest thing you've done while driving
« Reply #37 on: November 30, 2004, 07:59:42 AM »
Two actually come to mind.

#2 is when I worked a couple of double tours in a row (never again) and on my last midnight tour I was parked at an intersection while heading into Headquarters around 6:30 AM.  Needless to say woke up to honking horns and the time was 6:45 AM.  Behind me was about 20-25 cars all afraid to go around me.  Not a shining moment.

#1 was back in 1996, the department just got 2 brand new Police Scooters (Hondas).  The jerk in me had to show off at the Town Garage.  Didn’t make a turn and crashed into the Air Compressor.  Broke the front panel on the Scooter ($175) and tore my uniform shirt and pants all while still in the middle of working a tour.  Had to race home and change and then go to Honda and beg the guy to let me buy the front panel off the show model.  The salesman was pissed stating “We just dropped them off yesterday.”  Lucky I didn’t get any calls in the meantime.  My fellow brothers in blue who witnessed the debacle swore secrecy and dimed me out within the hour.  I to this date have been banned from riding Scooters at the job.  Thank god – never liked the helmet with the red flashing light.


Offline lazs2

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Stupidest thing you've done while driving
« Reply #38 on: November 30, 2004, 08:10:55 AM »
I put about a thousand or so miles ona rental car in england and Scotland once.


Offline Ripsnort

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Stupidest thing you've done while driving
« Reply #39 on: November 30, 2004, 08:13:18 AM »
« Last Edit: November 30, 2004, 11:06:14 AM by Ripsnort »

Offline Mighty1

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Stupidest thing you've done while driving
« Reply #40 on: November 30, 2004, 08:43:30 AM »
Telling my wife to stop because someone might see. DOH!
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline Tinpot

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Stupidest thing you've done while driving
« Reply #41 on: November 30, 2004, 08:44:54 AM »
I'm from Northfield, replicant

Offline Mickey1992

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Stupidest thing you've done while driving
« Reply #42 on: November 30, 2004, 09:20:42 AM »
#1 - Driving my Mom's '80 Chevy Citation with two friends during high school.  A couple of idiots from my high school pull up behind us at a stop sign and start blowing the horn.  Being all cool I decide that I am going to go screaming through this residential area and try and "lose" them.

I take a 90 degree turn at about 45MPH and slide off the road over the curb, running right over a fire hydrant.  We come to a stop on top of the hydrant and we all freeze in terror waiting for the water to come gushing out.  Fortunately, we didn't bust the valve in the ground and no water came out.  We backed off the hydrant back onto the street and drove away.  Mom still thinks that some idiot in a yellow car put the fist-sized dent in her chrome bumper.

#2 - Driving around the block and returning to the scene of the crime to see if we could get the fire hydrant into the trunk.  We couldn't because there was still a couple of bolts attached to the ground.

Offline Ripsnort

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Stupidest thing you've done while driving
« Reply #43 on: November 30, 2004, 09:24:09 AM »
Originally posted by Mickey1992
#2 - Driving around the block and returning to the scene of the crime to see if we could get the fire hydrant into the trunk.  We couldn't because there was still a couple of bolts attached to the ground. [/B]

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Offline AcId

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Stupidest thing you've done while driving
« Reply #44 on: November 30, 2004, 09:28:32 AM »
stupidest thing had to be landing an 86 mustang upside down in an oak tree