Originally posted by WhiteHawk
Elfie, ummm, what WMD's were there? Which terorrists groups were in Iraq? Why not pakistan? Saudi arabia? (home of the 911 hijackers). How about N korea? We dont care about lunatic dictators threatening to throw around a cupple nukes if his denmands werent met, but we are going in to see if saddam has a can of mustard gas buried in the desert? hehe, go back to sleep dude. the real world is a scary place.
First of all, I listed WMD as a reason we went into Iraq, which it was. So far that reason hasnt panned out for us. Otoh there is a significant amount of chemical weapons that were known to have existed but have yet to be accounted for. (That has been discussed in previous threads)
I have no idea which terrorist group(s) were using the training camps in Iraq. The fact that there were terrorist training camps is enough for me.
You ask...Why not Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia? I have no idea, maybe you should ask the gov't?
Not all of the 9-11 hijackers were Saudis, the one thing they ALL had in common was Al-Qeada. Iirc 11 of 19 hijackers were Saudi, no idea what nationality the others were, nor do I care.
Once we are done in Iraq you can bet the government has the next target already selected.
You also asked..why not North Korea? The answer there is obvious. NK would use nukes on our troops.
Go back to sleep? Maybe you should wake up. Saddam had MiG's and huge weapons cache's buried in the sand, maybe some of those unaccounted for chemical weapons are there as well. Only time will tell.
When can ALL our troops come home ??? 10 years, 20,30 ???
Sparks, I have no idea on that one. I'm not sure if anyone has an answer. I think victory is acheived when there is no more state sponsored terrorism, when nations no longer harbor terrorists. When that will be I have no idea.