Author Topic: Russian plane set questions.  (Read 773 times)

Offline SunKing

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Russian plane set questions.
« on: July 11, 2001, 11:30:00 AM »
Breaking the mold of the stereotypical newbie that gravitates to the German plane set I am interested in the Russian fighters. I've often read that Russian planes were actually quite good in WW2, it was their pilots that lacked the skills needed. Anyway so far I've realized the La7 is the fastest B&Z of the Russian plans and the La5 is a bit slower but with better turning. Im stuck on the Yaks. I was able to hang with and get a kill on a p51 but I'm still not sure what are the proper tactics for these planes. Once I engaged a F46 and was all over him till I was swarmed by two Spits and was propmtly set aflame. Are the Yaks turners or B&Z, low or high alt? Any input please.

Offline Urchin

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Russian plane set questions.
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2001, 12:00:00 PM »
Yaks are one of the most versatile planes in the entire set.  They turn pretty well above 200mph (or so I hear- my experience in them is very limited).  As a stereotypical newbie who was interested in German planes, the Yak and LA7 are both tough customers for any of the German planes.  The Russian WEP doesnt work above 8,000 feet, but that only really matters if you really need the extra speed.

The Yak cruises at about 380mph at 15k- in other words, it is damn fast at that altitude.  On the deck, it isnt as fast- it is maybe the 4th or 5th fastest plane on the deck.  I know a runstang will outrun it (p51d), I think a Dora will outrun it, I know a Tiffie will, and I know a 109G10 will on WEP (well.. I think anyways, I've seen it go both ways).  However, the Yak can outturn any of the planes that are faster than it is on the deck (oh yea, the LA7 is faster on the deck as well).  The firepower isn't so great on the Yak, and the fuel doesn't last very long.  That said- it IS a very solid fighter at low to mid altitude.

As far as tactics go, you will have to match your tactics to the plane you are fighting.  I can try to give you some general guidelines, but my experience in the plane is pretty limited.  I'll also try to keep it to the most popular planes to shorten it up some.  

Niki-  I have absolutely no idea on this, don't recall fighting a niki in a Yak.  That said, the Niki turns extraordinarily well (only the Zero and Spit turn better), so you'd be well advised not to turn fight with it.  I wouldn't try to out zoom one either, they are very hard to outzoom.  I'd say keep it on the deck, try to stay fast, and hope that help comes.

Spit- The spit will outturn you, but you can hang with it for a little while (personal experience only, not sure if this is always the case).  Again, try to stay fast, use the vertical as much as you can, and try not to get hit by the hispanos.

LA7- You *should* be able to out-turn the LA7 at low altitude, and I think the Yak rolls better as well.  If you can get the LA7 into a turn fight you should be OK- if not, use a scissors or rolling scissors to try to force an overshoot.  As an alternative, try to get the fight low and slow, I hear the LA7 handles like a pig at 150mph and down.

109g10 and 190d9- I'll assume that the G10 is faster on the deck (although I have seen it go both ways).  You can outturn a 109g10 at all speeds until around 150mph (personal exp.)  The roll rate on the Yak is pretty similar, maybe a little faster than the G10.  I'd recommend getting the fight to between 200-300 mph and trying to get the 109 to turn.  If a 109 gets on your tail, head for the deck, and once you get to 400+ mph you can do your evasive manuever of choice - the 109 can't follow you due to compression.  The 190d9 is faster than the 109, but it doesnt turn as well nor does it accelerate as well (the Yak outaccelerates both of them).  I think the Yaks climb rate is superior to the Dora, so use the vertical while fighting them- you'll catch up in E eventually even if they bounce you.

P51D- The yak can outturn the 51d no problem.  Most P51 pilots will make one pass and head for the hills, so you never really do get to "dogfight" with them per se.  The P51 is a LOT faster than the Yak on the deck, so you'll never be able to catch up to em anyways.  I'd recommend just avoiding their bounce and then going your merry way.

I think I covered just about all the oft-used MA planes.  If you are having any particular trouble with a plane, lemme know and we cna head to the TA or DA and mess around with it.

Offline Urchin

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Russian plane set questions.
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2001, 12:08:00 PM »
I also noticed that you were asking about movie sites for ACM moves in an earlier post.  This is the only link I have, I am sure there are more out there.  Again, if you have any questions you can email me at, or look me up in the game - Urchin is my call sign.

web page

Offline mx22

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Russian plane set questions.
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2001, 03:46:00 PM »
Yak is a very good climber. Use it to your advantage. In addition, when low on fuel, Yak turns almost as good as Spitfire, just don't get too excited - speed is life.


Offline Vermillion

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« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2001, 07:59:00 AM »
The Yak should not be used either as a turn fighter (really bad) or as Boom & Zoom fighter (not bad, but not good either). Neither are its strength.

The Yak-9U's strengths are best used in the vertical, typical of the classic 109 style of energy fighting.

Never turn in the horizontal, always maintain and build a altitude/energy advantage, and make sure you get in close before your fire (inside 300).

I flew the Yak-9U for quite a bit before AH introduced the La7. I switched over becuase I just couldn't resist the greater firepower of the 3 cannon La7.

Offline mx22

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« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2001, 09:34:00 AM »
Originally posted by Vermillion:
I switched over becuase I just couldn't resist the greater firepower of the 3 cannon La7.

Verm, you are a dweeb :D

Offline Soda

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« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2001, 09:39:00 AM »
My biggest fault of all the VVS planes seem to be the guns... they are weak, at best, with VERY short range and mediocre ballistics.  If you're used to flying something with Hispanos or .50's you'll find yourself really disappointed with the guns.


Offline Vermillion

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« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2001, 08:45:00 AM »
Yup  :)

Hey... when you shoot as bad as I do, you have to take every advantage you can get  :D

Offline Tuomio

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« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2001, 05:26:00 PM »
Ok ive flown it a lots and i can give you some solid tips.

First, keep it fast. If youre not going for killing lead turn or thing like that, dont go less than 230mph.

Second, always build your speed (if possible) to near 300mph before encountering far enemy. This is very easy and fast, since Yak is GREAT accelerator (this can be used to extend when you miss your chances). Just dive a little and off you go. Dont climb to fight.

Third, use "hybrid" manouvers when youre on heavy offence (not pure b&Z and not pure T&B). High or low yo-yo:s are my favorite, as they cut the turning circle AND keep some of your energy advantage (dont have it? dont do it..). Also rolling scissors should be first defensive to consider.

Fourth, the guns arent weak, as somebody said. All 3 guns are nose mounted, so use them all when shooting. Do only short 1sec bursts. Avoid HO:s, if the enemy isnt in infernal position. SHOOT ONLY WHEN YOU HAVE NEAR-PERFECT HITTING SOLUTION!

Generally, if the fight is near, go for 6k and gather speed. If youre going longer distances, go 15-18k. Yak has its top speed at 18k. Its main characteristics show up when you have 50% fuel. 25% fuel you should start to look a place to refuel.

Offline Eaglecz

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« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2001, 01:41:00 PM »
my expirience with Yak 9u,9t

9U - good under 11k .
cruise speed over 3k is 400 MPH
under 3k 380 MPH
Is better turner than LA7
man la7 has crashed on my tail   :) have it on film.
Yak9U and 9T not same.
9T is a bit heavy and have no so power full engine.

9U with same fuel like Spit IX have total same turning but have better clim rate .. so i recommand fight in looping and you will get 1or 2 chance for snap shot soon or later
9U have a bit better acceleration then spit IX so you can run away   :)

vs SPIT V ... never turn in Yak with spit V... try only snap shoots or beat him down first then b&z

If you see higher spit . try to go on 400mph and go stright forward. spit will follow but he will be no able to keep his speed, E. he will lose it .. so start slow climbing and his advantige is history   :)

9U can catch 190 but it take some time
190 Will be faster until have wep but only about 5 mph faster.
I think if you have good starting  speed you can also catch tiffie ..

Yak is quite good turner at high speed over 400 .. but watch 500 its quite danger
i saw 550 mph in yak and plane was non damaged by oveespeed. but i think over speed is about 570 MPH

Do not fly over 11k . you have no compressed drive. So you accesleration will be poor versus dora and tiffie.

But best way how to learn fight in Yak is check TOP 10 killers in Yak and ask the First man if he can advice   :)
I did same and i was second best killer in Yak   :)

ps.: do not fire over 300
200 or less is good

[ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: EagleC ]