Author Topic: 190 Jockeys, tell me about the 190s:  (Read 750 times)

Offline eskimo2

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190 Jockeys, tell me about the 190s:
« on: August 03, 2001, 03:10:00 PM »
What are the differences between the different 190 models in AH?
What is each one good at?
Haven't really flown 190s since the beta days.


Offline DeeZCamp

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190 Jockeys, tell me about the 190s:
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2001, 03:25:00 PM »
They make for great vulch pratcice  :D

you learned alot last night I was proud to see the good aim at a semi moving target <S>

They are not manoverable, (turn wise) you will be running alot.. unless you fight smart and cut turn circles with excellent roll rate, but even then you have to be very very ON so that you have enuff E to actually use those two little elvators that seemingly create 100lbs wing loading per sq inch hehe.

You either fight very good using roll, or wind up running and doing the BZ thing.. but not for long becuase 190 climbs like A large anti aero dynamic rock.  :D

Offline flakbait

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190 Jockeys, tell me about the 190s:
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2001, 11:11:00 PM »
Use a scissors against anyone behind you, as long as he's not in a 190 you'll beat him. I've whacked N1K2's, Spits, La7's, hell even Yaks using this. Do it at low speed and they'll either dive away (easy meat), eat lead when they stall out, or climb for a short diving shot at you. None work against you: a diving shot is defeated by cranking it hard in a turn. If they dive away just pull a quick split-S and go after 'em. Stalling out means they either stalled or pulled off to one side and had nothing. Either way; they're dead.

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta Six's Flight School
Put the P-61B in Aces High
"For yay did the sky darken, and split open and spew forth fire, and
through the smoke rode the Four Wurgers of the Apocalypse.
And on their canopies was tattooed the number of the Beast, and the
number was 190." Jedi, Verse Five, Capter Two, The Book of Dweeb


Offline elstevie

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190 Jockeys, tell me about the 190s:
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2001, 04:48:00 PM »
I have turned with a N1K2 also just ask DeeZcamp but its not wise to lose E if at all possible.I try and keep speed at 300 IAS as much as i can hence the 190A-8 is a true B&Z plane and has awsome fire power.Learn to manage E and she's a great bird.
  :D <<S>>

Offline SpitLead

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190 Jockeys, tell me about the 190s:
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2001, 06:25:00 PM »
Deez, I beg to differ.  The 190 Dora has an exceptional climb rate especially on WEP. There aren't many planes in the arena that are better except maybe the 109s.  Check out the numbers posted on the HTC web site on vehicles. If you're in the Dora you can use the vertical.  Now retaining 'e' on the other hand I'm not so sure...

Offline milnko

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190 Jockeys, tell me about the 190s:
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2001, 07:37:00 PM »
Originally posted by SpitLead:
If you're in the Dora you can use the vertical.

I agree.

Originally posted by DeeZCamp:
You either fight very good using roll, or wind up running and doing the BZ thing.. but
not for long becuase 190 climbs like A large anti aero dynamic rock.

When trying to maintain "saddled up" on a bandit, that is turning inside my max turn radias, I use a lag roll (basically roll away from the con, then roll back onto it, using a slight vertical climb)

Now to answer the original thread question;

FW 190A5: is the dogfighter of the FW 190A series. It still can't turn with most enemy planes, but it is lighter and more manuverable than the A8's. I usually take it with only the two 20mm cannons a D/T and 50% fuel. Of course discarding the D/T prior to engaging.

FW 190A8: is the BUFF buster & field vulcher of the series. Faster on the deck than the A5 and better armed. I usually take the four MG151 20mm cannons a D/T and 50% fuel.
The twin MK108 30mm are nice for HOing and the so called "1 ping" death usually frustrates your enemy, however if ya plan on a lengthy fight, you'll soon be out of 30mm and then have only the twin 20's and 15mm machine guns to rely on.
I have been known to take the A2A rockets on occasion, but use them for hiting AAA or planes rolling on take off. The drawback being that after ya fire em, your plane suffers from the racks being modeled as still attached.
THE ASSASSINS use the A8 for JABOs over any other FW 190 series.

FW 190F8: is the grond attack version, supposedly highly armored, and able to carry more bombs. However as the 190 is already a difficult plane to handle well in the MA, the F8 is the most un-manuverable of the lot. It takes a steady hand to fight with one and survive. I have taken it into a fight exactly three times, and had my arse handed to me everytime. Make your own call on this bird.

All the A series FW's suffer from 1 ping engine death, dunno if it's a bug, but one would think that it's big BMW 801 radial engine would be able to lose a cylinder or two and keep running.

FW 190D: inline engine sez alot, Dora is fast, climbs well, has a fairly good ammo loadout and maintains the FW roll rate. However the Dora is still no T-n-B plane, use the vertical, it's roll rate, and it's ability to extend and you will do very well in it.

Ta 152: (perked plane) High altitude BUFF interceptor, inline engine like the Dora, but longer wings than Dora, better armament than the "D" and does very well at 30,000+ ft, however the Dora is the better A/C at lower altitudes.
Ta 152 sports nice weapons package and can kill extremely well. And although I have plenty of perkies to fly one whenever I want, I rarely select this version of FW, if I'm gonna go looking for trouble it'll be lower than 20,000 feet usually, and the Ta is not in her element there. Still tho, for whatever the reason, there is sumthin' appealing about killin' with this perk plane.

Hope that helps Eskimo
