This is along the line of ammo, but how about this. Assuming I'm the 109, and I want to keep the steep attack (which is questionable I know). How about instead of pulling off once I realize it is going to be a bit steep than I had anticipated, proceed with the attack. As I dive, I hope to be able to put guns on via a deflection or even snapshot if that opportunity presents itself. Ok, so I dive, no solution. I continue the shallow dive, past the F6, and gradually extend and climb. The only shot the F6 will have is on me hauling bellybutton in a shallow dive. In which case the F6 will have to nose down quickly for guns on, which is a *very* difficult shot. At a comfortable distance, which will vary by pilot, for me about 800/900 yards, go ahead and enter a zoom climb and re-commence the attack.