Author Topic: time to ask like a newbie! :-)  (Read 1294 times)


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time to ask like a newbie! :-)
« on: December 31, 1999, 04:10:00 PM »
Some of you have seen me as SkyKnite online. heh, turns out "StarKnite" wouldn't fit :P ANYWAY, I am just asking for a few tips. See, I've been playing "flight sims" since.. jeez... Red Baron for the TI99/4a computer. This also includes a large number of WWII "sims" that have been developed, and normally, I try and up the realism as far as possible. I still never had/have any problems handling planes in them, but in AH I have minor trouble at times, don't understand all the terminology, and basically can't hit the broadside of a barn :-) (and actual gun aim used to be my forte)

so I guess I should fire some questions out...

#1. What is "E"? How is it used? How do I conserve it?
#2. I know what WEP is, but when should I use that?
#3. What's a good cruise/combat speed?
#4. My flight style happens to be one where I like to turn often, including Immelians and Split-S (how do you pluralize THAT!?   ), what is a good aircraft for this?
#5. What is a good method for turning on an opponent? I am getting MUCH better at dodging, but still haven't figured out how to reverse the advantage.
#6. Any and ALL tips would be great :-) Aiming tips as well.

I really enjoy flying with you guys and have a blast. I just wish I could help my team a little better than the occasional 47 run :-)
(I'm ok in a 17 too. heh)

Thanx for everything gang! Happy new year and I'll see you in the air soon :-)

Offline -raxx-

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« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2000, 03:47:00 AM »

There's actually only two questions that you've asked above.

The answer to #1 #2 #4 #5 and #6 is find anything you can read on "Air Combat Manoevers" (?sp).  Look in your local library for books on tactics or search the web for quicktime movies.  Air Combat manoevers are not just which move to execute but also involve Situational Awareness, (SA is what the other planes near you are doing and what you have to do to avoid dying and set up the next kill), Energy fighting tactics, (this is your "E"), Fighting styles and capabilities of aircraft, ("Turn and Burn" vs "Boom and Zoom" and which planes are suited to it), and about a million or so other factors.  All of which take time and practice, (hell the first few months I flew an online sim I didn't realise you could land!).

There's lotsa books out there on ACM but since I'm a rook and can't read, (who needs a 6 call anyway), other pilots will be able to reccomend good ones.

For #3 The best cruise speed depends on the aircraft you are flying at the time.  The N1k and Spitfire, (and La5?), are Turn and Burn planes, (they retain "E"nergy better in a turnfight and don't dive or climb so well).  Where the P51, 190, 109 and C205 are more boom and zoom, (better diving and climbing but lose a lot of energy when turning).

Spotcha in the Air


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time to ask like a newbie! :-)
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2000, 09:51:00 AM »
"FIGHTER COMBAT Tactics and Maneuvering"
By Robert L. Shaw.

Got mine at for under $30.

Everything you every wanted to know & more. I read mine often.

Pony Driver

Offline Vermillion

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« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2000, 03:40:00 PM »
What Mr.Ed said on the Book !! Its the very best.

#1.) E is Energy. Always stay fast, and keep plenty of altitude under you.

#2.) Use WEP in combat, when running, or trying to climb near an enemy.

#4.) Fly a Spitfire.

#5.) Realistically, once you have an enemy on your close six, it is very difficult to "reverse the situation". The idea is to plan your fights so that your enemies, never get a change to get on your six.

Buy and Read a copy of Shaw's book. Fly for a week, then read it again. Repeat until your book looks battered and dogeared  

WB's: (verm--), **MOL**, Men of Leisure,
"Real men fly Radials, Nancy Boys fly Spitfires ;) "


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« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2000, 06:05:00 PM »

I agree on the book but you can also use the web... there are lots of good trainingpages and almost every squad has trainingtips.

My suggestion is go to the warbirds trainingpages... both fletchman's and worr's pages are excellent but there are many, many more out there

About your questions... there are no quick answers to them but I'll give it a try (correct me if I'm wrong on something fellas... I'm by no means an 'experten')

1) E = Energy... kinetic energy. When you hear talking about E it means one of two things: speed or altitude.
2) I'll use WEP when I need that little extra more. For example when I get in a sustained turnfight (not often because IMO sustained turnfights equal certain death) I'll turn it up when I get at cornerspeed (speed at which your aircraft turns best) to keep speed up.
3)one word... High... speed is life (unless you are diving at 600 mph of course )  
4)Fly the spit... it's good at everything but no winner in any. With the late war planeset of the moment it's the best turner... but when you move on to BnZ it can be good too since it's a good climber and decent diver. Only real problem is it's speed  
5) Not easy cause you'll have to wait for an error of the attacker. You've got alot of options tho (simple nose low break, scissors, spiral dive with closed throttle, etc) What you want to do is dodge him until E level equals or force the overshoot. My suggestion is... go read the trainingpages  
6) Join a squad and fly with them... You'll learn alot first hand. The readingmaterial is good but flying with a wingie will fasten the learningprocess.

Have fun



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« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2000, 08:23:00 PM »
#4 Split-s: plural Split-esses  

Offline leonid

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« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2000, 10:09:00 PM »

In newtonian physics, energy comes in two main forms: potential and kinetic.  This applies extremely well in air combat.  Potential energy can be translated as altitude.  The higher one is the greater ones potential energy.  Velocity, or speed, can be interpreted as Kinetic energy.  One form of energy can be transformed into the other.  Dive from altitude and you end up lower but at greater speed, pull up at high velocity and you gain altitude.  A warning though, of the two forms of energy, potential energy is the more sustainable, since altitude is constant.  Kinetic energy eventually dissipates over time, since one cannot maintain a high dive speed once level.  Because of this, altitude should be viewed as energy 'in the bank', so to speak.  Dive down to make a gun pass and you spend a little of it, because you won't be able to regain your previous altitude should you zoom back up.

The trick to E-fighting, or energy fighting, is to sustain a relatively higher energy state than your opponent.  I say relatively, because nothing in air combat is ever static.  If one cannot retain a higher energy state than ones opponent, the next step is to keep as much relative energy as possible.

An example.  A La-5FN merges with a slightly higher N1K2.  At merge the N1K2 tries to execute an HO attack, whereas the La-5FN is thinking E-fighting, diving shallowly so as to force the N1K2 to dive to attack.  Just as merge occurs the La-5FN pulls up slightly to 1)spoil the N1K2's aim, and 2)begin a zoom climb for potential energy.  The N1K2 takes a few seconds to pitch up into a climb, bleeding some speed to cut the corner.  The La-5FN, however, kept the zoom maneuver around 1-2Gs, allowing for maximum translation of kinetic to potential energy.  After the reverse, the La-5FN is above the N1K2 by about 1.4km, and has many options at this point.  The N1K2, on the other hand, has fewer.

My finally advice is to maintain the best energy state possible relative to your opponent at the point of merge.  If the bandit has greater alt, then keep speed up.  Should you instead decide to climb up to meet him, then at merge your energy state will be far inferior to the bandit.  Build up speed from a shallow dive and should the bandit dive down upon you, the resultant difference in energy will be smaller than in the first example.  Remember, the key is at the point of merge.  This requires a bit of interpretation, but with practice becomes less difficult.

leonid, aka grisha

ingame: Raz

Offline Minotaur

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« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2000, 11:46:00 PM »
More thoughts on E Fighting.  Keep in mind that I am no expert.  I often do not know the correct terminology, but please consider the concepts that I present.

First off, always remember you lose far less E while manuvering at slower speeds.  This is one strategy for the use of vertical turns.  You are slowest at the piont you make your turn (the top), but retain E thru gaining altitude.  

A side effect of using vertical turns, is that you also shorten your effective turn radius over a comparible flat turn. This is readily noticable using a top down view.

There are several ways you can be "CO-E".  For example, consider two circumstance.  One way is being higher, but slower.  Another way is being lower, but faster.  

If the lower plane flies to the higher planes atlitude then dives back to starting altitude or vice versa for the higher plane.  Each plane will retain they're relative "CO-E" states.  Maybe a slight advantage in E retention to the plane that started lower.

As Leanid states, the faster low plane converts speed to altitude while climbing, the slower high plane converts altitude to speed while diving.  Now, when the higher plane (do to climb) makes its reversing turn, being much slower, it loses less E on that turn.  Just the opposite for the other faster plane (do to dive), which loses more E.  

Remember, E fighting has less to do with your current E state or the opponents current E state.  It is the relative E states between the two planes, that is more important.  

Try to make your opponent lose E faster than you do.  In essence, you will lose less altitude, and be able to attack from a higher altitude and with more speed.  The optimum is a swooping kill, when your opponent is "Wallowing in a Stall" and cannot manuver.

Always remember however, in an arena atmosphere, being too low on E may leave you an easy victim to any sniper that comes along.

More ideas to keep track of.    

Being slower, often reduces your turn radius, but only to a certain piont.  The slower plane might be able to turn inside of the faster plane, even though the faster plane could have a higher turn rate.  The faster plane has more E, and more often will win the fight should the "Snap Shot" fail.  

The idea is to find that "Sweet Spot" where the speed that your plane has the shortest turn radius combined with the highest turn rate.

Yet, another idea about turns.    

As you probably know by now, you generally turn a fighter by pointing the lift vector (top side of the wings) in the direction you want to turn (high performance turns).  Or use a turn vector relative to the lift vector.  Anytime you can get the gravity vector (earths gravity) combining with your planes lift (or turn) vector your turn will be sharper.  

Basically, having the top side of your wings, facing the earth (down) in some fashion.  Gravity then combines with your lift vector, not opposing it.  This increases your total turn vector and you turn faster.

Good Luck.  Experts, please jump in to flame me!  The idea is to be accurate.    


[This message has been edited by Minotaur (edited 01-01-2000).]

Offline Minotaur

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« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2000, 12:39:00 AM »

One more tip!  More specific to your questions.  

There is a nice feature available in AH called "Zoom".  It reduces your Field of View, but magnifies the size of your target.

You will get more bounce from the magnification effect, and it can be disorientating.  

Try it, it does help with gunnery and intercept vectors.

The AH default key for "Zoom" is z.

Good Luck, I hope to shoot you down!  



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time to ask like a newbie! :-)
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2000, 11:10:00 PM »
Hi folx! I want to give a shout out with big appreciation to you all. I've been away from PC a few days, so haven't been able to try anything (tomorrow I hope ;-) or if I'm quick enough tonight. hah), but I will definitely take all of your suggestions into hand. But, unfortunately, I have ONE MORE question. hahaha

What's a good resource to find out AH plane advantages? I've flown the spit and definitely agree, it is pretty easy to pick up. Not dominate with but do "ok" with.

I've slowly been learning about "E" (although until now didn't know it was called that. heh!) and am VERY slowly picking it up and improving my defensive postures (I.E. getting better leading targets back to friendlies without going down in smoke), now I gotta learn offensive.  

Thank you all for the help :-) Hopefully I'll become at least something other than an easy point for the scoreboard ;-) hahahaha

OH! One more thing. Minotaur. Bring it ;-)

"You learn a little by beating those worse. You learn infinitely more by being the one beaten."

Offline bashwolf

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« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2000, 01:13:00 AM »
Hello sky,

goto this site has info on flying


Offline Lance

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« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2000, 01:19:00 AM »
Thats a good question, Skyknight.  Unfortunately, because the game is new and flight models are changing, reliable aircraft information may be tough to come by.
The Phoenix Squadron web page had some good information regarding aircraft performance for version 0.33, but I would bet much of it is no longer applicable due to the changes made in the updates since then (especially the last one).  Good luck looking.



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« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2000, 08:39:00 AM »
To pluralize a word ending in s, put the ' after the s. Split-S'.
(You did ask)


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« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2000, 09:51:00 AM »
1st, what minotaur said is right(and since he shot me couple of times down using vertical maneuvering, it's not only theory ;-)) It's hard though, flying a Yo-yo rigth I found hard and without the tips in Shaw's book pretty impossible anyway.

2nd, place your Shaw in the bathroom, good, quiet, concentrated place that also allows you to focus on the book for couple of minutes without feeling the urge to grab the joystick. I find WWW lectures harder to follow and kind of disorientating sometimes.
Shaw's book is tad dry though and I'm missing things like buff noseart to relax my mind ;-)

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« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2000, 01:32:00 AM »

Find Rocketman's Web sight, he is an F4 nut.  His discussion is for AW, but he explains lead turns very well.  The lead turn is the secret of the merge and the merge is often the secret to winning the fight.
