Stupid and silly?
Is that what you think the teachings of Jesus Christ and Dr Martin Luther King where stupid and silly?
Where in my post do you see me saying the teachings of Christ are silly? If you read the bible, God is a big advocate of war against injustice.
And a great tactician.
I am just saying that I find the irony in the fact that as a species we are so develoved yet we act no smarter than some animales at times.
I do too. Wish things were different. It is a shame good decent men with families have to put their lives at risk to stop those who prey on the weak.
It's also a shame that many without the fortitude to stand on that line constantly seek to find fault from a position of safety. Thank God those men are willing to die for others freedom to express their opinion. No matter how ill informed.
yet we act no smarter than some animales at times.
Much worse than animals sometimes. What animal kills by strapping another of its species to a bunk and drips acid on their head so that it takes hours of extreme pain to die horribly disfigured?
The kind that wants to grow its cocaine in South America.
What animal hangs those of it's own kind up by their feet and slowly peels their skin off from the ankles to the torso? Then laughs as they poke the poor soul with a stick to hear him scream and struggle? All the while filming the whole thing with a surreal festive air.
The kind that wants trophy's to trade at the market in the Middle East so that their local power can be increased.
Cuts innocent heads off slowly with a dull knife so that it takes 6-10 minutes for them to die?
The kind that wants rule others through a perversion of Religion.
Everywhere you look, their are innocents in need of those with the strength of will and character to stand up and defend the defenseless.
Everywhere you look you can also find some unbelievable acts of courage and good. Without a doubt there is great hope for mankind.
God gave us freewill just as he gave all men a choice.
If these predators had their way with the world what do you think they would choose?
Do you think God would send lighting bolts from the sky to stop them?
Or do you think he would work thru men, by giving them the strength to stand up to such tyranny?
It really makes you wonder dont it?
Yes it does.