Thanks Dingy, I stand corrected (well some) but I still think he got flamed and hates trainers

Now, what makes you say Im a future trainer ??
The only thing Im doing is trying to get a place I can take those Im trying to help with out interfernce from the hordes. I tried to make that sound NICE btw

. But, there is not a way.
Again, Im just trying to help, and the comments were a bit rough. I reread them several times and I just cant see it any other way.
As far as HT and company when/if they do get trainers I would hope it would be very ridged standards to become one. An applicant can apply if the meet minimum qualifications.
1. Since we are flat rate a minimum number of hours flight time in AH.
2. 3 or more years of flying online flight sims (AH, with AW, WB or H2H). (this is not bashing Falcon, RB, and others but they need to know flight models).
3. Commitment to AH and the AH community through demonstrated actions (IE one or more of the following (Host or run a Scenario, known to be available for online assistance, Webpages, Cons, etc etc)).
4. Recomendations by HT staff.
and on and on. But it needs to be stated what the requirements are. The other brands requirements, I believe are not stated anywhere and trainer applicants have a hard time figuring out "what" it is they need.
Plus, trainers would be under a 90 day period where they would attend training sessions and classes before becoming online.
These are just IDEA's, but that is what I feel. Ive gone beyond the scope of what I orginally started, but wanted you to see where Im coming from.
1. I want to help new guys not get killed.
2. I wondered if any would be interested in having an arena or not avail.
3. Im not performing, nor signging up as a trainer.
4. I love AH and want to see it succeed and to succeed we need to help those that are struggling. As far as Im concerned EVERY good stick out there is a trainer and can offer advice. ITs how you offer it that will stick.

5. Your right not everyone can be a trainer, but that is up to HT/Pyro et al to decide, heck i want to enjoy the game more than anything and I need good skilled TARGETS

Im rambling
Rick "Firefox" Scott
VMF-214 / MAG 11
WB ID: firefx
AH ID: FirefxAT
Have Gun Will Travel