Author Topic: Would there be an interest in a training arena  (Read 3359 times)

Offline Dingy

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Would there be an interest in a training arena
« Reply #30 on: January 19, 2000, 01:19:00 PM »
Ok guys....enough of the flame war.  TT didnt mean any harm by what he said, I think what he meant was that HTC should choose carefully who their designated trainers are.  I agree with him.

I do not agree, however, with the fact that not everyone would make a good trainer.  I think anyone with some level of skill and knowledge can help or train those of less experience.  The only limiting factors are willingness to teach and communication ability.  I have flown against TT before and hes a heckuva pilot.  A great many people could learn from him if he were willing to teach them.

Firefox, I admire your efforts and wish you a whole lot of luck, but as a future trainer, I suggest you dont let the comments of others get under your skin too deep especially when they might be misinterpreted as I think TTs were.  Take a breath and relax and think of water off a ducks back  


Offline Firefox

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Would there be an interest in a training arena
« Reply #31 on: January 19, 2000, 02:27:00 PM »
Thanks Dingy, I stand corrected (well some) but I still think he got flamed and hates trainers  .

Now, what makes you say Im a future trainer ??

The only thing Im doing is trying to get a place I can take those Im trying to help with out interfernce from the hordes.  I tried to make that sound NICE btw  .  But, there is not a way.  

Again, Im just trying to help, and the comments were a bit rough.  I reread them several times and I just cant see it any other way.  

As far as HT and company when/if they do get trainers I would hope it would be very ridged  standards to become one.  An applicant can apply if the meet minimum qualifications.  


1. Since we are flat rate a minimum number of hours flight time in AH.
2. 3 or more years of flying online flight sims (AH, with AW, WB or H2H). (this is not bashing Falcon, RB, and others but they need to know flight models).
3. Commitment to AH and the AH community through demonstrated actions (IE one or more of the following (Host or run a Scenario, known to be available for online assistance, Webpages, Cons, etc etc)).
4. Recomendations by HT staff.

and on and on.  But it needs to be stated what the requirements are.  The other brands requirements, I believe are not stated anywhere and trainer applicants have a hard time figuring out "what" it is they need.

Plus, trainers would be under a 90 day period where they would attend training sessions and  classes before becoming online.

These are just IDEA's, but that is what I feel.  Ive gone beyond the scope of what I orginally started, but wanted you to see where Im coming from.  

1. I want to help new guys not get killed.
2. I wondered if any would be interested in having an arena or not avail.
3. Im not performing, nor signging up as a trainer.
4. I love AH and want to see it succeed and to succeed we need to help those that are struggling.  As far as Im concerned EVERY good stick out there is a trainer and can offer advice.   ITs how you offer it that will stick.  .
5. Your right not everyone can be a trainer, but that is up to HT/Pyro et al to decide, heck i want to enjoy the game more than anything and I need good skilled TARGETS  .

Im rambling



Rick "Firefox" Scott
VMF-214 / MAG 11
WB ID: firefx
AH ID: FirefxAT
Have Gun Will Travel

Offline Dingy

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Would there be an interest in a training arena
« Reply #32 on: January 19, 2000, 03:25:00 PM »
Now, what makes you say Im a future trainer ??

You asked if anyone would be interested in some training didnt you?  You are a trainer in my book .  Mind you I didnt say anything about you being an "OFFICIALLY SANCTIONED HITECHCREATIONS TRAINER MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE"...just a trainer  .  I have brought a couple of newbies under my wing and taught them how to takeoff.  I was a trainer in that instance.

This is where the confusion is coming into play...there seems to be a misunderstanding in the term "trainer".  All of us are using it to loosely mean anyone providing newbies with informal game assistance.  I have been a trainer and I believe you Firefox are offering your services to those requiring it.

There is another meaning which seems to get tied in here which mean, "Official AH Trainer".  We all believe that these Official Trainers should be the cream of the crop of AH pilot and should be carefully chosen based upon ability, attitude, knowledge and communication ability.

Hope this clears the air.  As my boss says, I believe we are in aggressive agreement.


Offline dolomite

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Would there be an interest in a training arena
« Reply #33 on: January 19, 2000, 04:01:00 PM »
First, thanks to TT and Rosco for the vote of confidence. I have not nearly the flying ability to begin to serve as a trainer, but appreciate the thought. S! Bro's!

Second- I agree with Firefox that there is a need, and that there should be standards that are clearly communicated.

Dingy- Right on! Being a trainer in my mind in part means being a leader, and that involves initiative. Firefox showed initiative when he proposed getting a training program organized. And as TT alluded, it also means dealing with others in a respectful way. Like it or not, trainers in some way become "the face" of the company.

Dingy, you were also right in saying that anyone that wants to help is a trainer, whether they wear the hat or not. Better, these are the friendly faces that make people want to stick around long enough to figure the game out.

There are several in here that are light years ahead of most of us in their knowledge and commitment to WWII history and simulation. I think of Leonid in this category. This is invaluable information for the neophyte.

I believe a trainer should be competent in all aircraft, and should enjoy conveying that information to others, no matter how many times it needs repeating.

I have to disagree with the statement that anyone can teach; as a teacher I can tell you this is not true. We sadly have people in all sims that are master pilots, but could never relate that acquired knowledge in a way that others could accept.

Finally, there are those that master everything about a sim. Soon the gameplay begins to lose the luster it once had. Teaching others may revive the "newness" the game once had, the trainer experiencing vicariously the thrill of the newbie's first successes.

Offline Firefox

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Would there be an interest in a training arena
« Reply #34 on: January 19, 2000, 05:06:00 PM »
Dolomite: Such masterful command of the english language, I Bow to your solilaqy (please dont grade MY Papers, Dammit Jim Im a  tech writer, not an English Major   )

Dingy, thanks we are in total agreement then.  I think we should stop using the "TRAINER" tag and just go to Helpful Helpers or somthing like that.  

We could also make the Arena the "Practice" arena as they say  , just somthing to help these poor guys out.  

Shoot I had one guy that I was working with for almost an hour and based off his answers I made wrong assumtions.  I then backed off and asked a direct question "YOu do have a JOYSTICK" dont you and not a game pad.

OOPS, game pad only.  Now thats BASICS :P

Oh well,
back to basics and back to the point of the original question.  If I get a few more Ill ask HT and see what we can get.

Later Ya'll

Rick "Firefox" Scott
VMF-214 / MAG 11
WB ID: firefx
AH ID: FirefxAT
Have Gun Will Travel

Offline janneh

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Would there be an interest in a training arena
« Reply #35 on: January 20, 2000, 07:11:00 AM »
cc, count me in for 109 school  

Offline Dingy

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Would there be an interest in a training arena
« Reply #36 on: January 20, 2000, 10:34:00 AM »
Another nice thing about having a training arena would be that those of us who just want a quick one on one fite or duel or whatever could go there, switch sides as necessary and set up the fite.

Last nite was a perfect example of that...Moss was telling me how he was beginning to really like the 51 and was explaining how he thought that he could reverse on  a co-E 109 head on with an immediate immeleman after the merge.  I then went on to ask how he would do that against a smart 109 who extends after the merge and then begins a spiral climb (Rope a dope).  I wanted to see if this tactic would work and so Moss and I decided to auger and try it out, he in his 51, me in the 109.  When we got back to the tower, we suddenly realized that one of us would have to switch sides and decided that winging with our little group of Torque, Cat, Jase, Nuttz, Gritz and Terne would be more fun than testing this out.  

An arena would let us try this tactic out without having to switch teams.



Offline Pyro

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Would there be an interest in a training arena
« Reply #37 on: January 20, 2000, 11:01:00 AM »
We are planning to have a training arena and program set up in the next couple of weeks.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

"The side with the fanciest uniforms loses."

Offline Sharky

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Would there be an interest in a training arena
« Reply #38 on: January 20, 2000, 03:51:00 PM »

Hiya pal,  Well Pyro said they will have a training program up in a few weeks.  Anyway I sure know there is a need for it.  Was in the arena a little while ago and some newbies were asking some very fundimental <sp> questions and the answers were, shall we say less than helpful!

I sure would like a place where I could invite these guys to go so I could answer there questions and perhaps show them the basics in a less busy area then the main arena.  Most of the stuff is like "How do I take off?"  "Where do I fly to?" etc.  I'm no expert but I think I could handle most of those  

Oh and to the guys that think it's fun to slam the newbies and make them go away, remember if too many go away the whole sim goes away!  This is going to be especially true when it goes pay.



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Would there be an interest in a training arena
« Reply #39 on: January 20, 2000, 09:32:00 PM »
Count me in


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Would there be an interest in a training arena
« Reply #40 on: January 23, 2000, 05:15:00 PM »
Training would be good.  As they say practice makes perfect.  Being one who has mastered the skies as a jet pilot, AH changes a lot of rules and it's like starting all over again, which is kinda fun.

The fundemental principal here is that us 'newbies' want to learn fast and be up there with the Aces so we can all have fun.

You don't neccessarily have to have a training scenario, you could use the existing setup.  Select a field and have the newbies meet there (as far away from the enemy lines as possible).  Do your training there.  Once a newbie feels confident, he can peel off and maybe do a sortie, take others with him/her.  Trainers can follow behind with other 'students and see how they do.  We then all learn if they get a hit, or get wasted.

But learn the most frequently used keys, get to know your planes, push them as far as they go and then do your training.  Being an ex jet trainer, it can be a pain in the tailend explaining the very basics, when you are helping out in the tactical arena.

In spite of all this, count me in!!!


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Would there be an interest in a training arena
« Reply #41 on: January 24, 2000, 11:06:00 AM »
yes please m8 im gettin sick of lookin at the ground! any tips would be much appriciated ta M@verik